Paramatma (Supreme Divinity) has six
chief characteristics: Supreme wisdom,
complete renunciation, divine beauty,
fullest splendour of power, undiminished
fame, and inexhaustible fortune. Its
nature is Sat (existence), Chit
(knowledge) and Ananda (bliss). These
are also related to man through the Atma
in him. So all humanity has a right to
realize and enjoy these characteristics
and this exalted nature. It is the
ordained duty. The travails of the world
today are due to man not performing this
ordained duty.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
God's happiness lies in the happiness of
all. God does not need anything special for
Himself. If you are truly happy, God will be
happy. Whatever you do, let it be for the
peace, welfare and happiness of all the
beings. God will surely bestow upon you
happiness by correcting and forgiving your
faults. You must all live in unity and love.
We have learnt that there are Panchapranas
(Five Vital Airs) within every living being,
i.e., Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana.
In reality, the Panchapranas are nothing but
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and
Non-Violence. Where there is truth, there
will be righteousness. Where there is
righteousness, there will be peace. Where
there is peace, there will be love. Where
truth and love coexist, everything else will
be added unto that person.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
The Jagath or Cosmos was created by God out of
Himself. Therefore, He is the originator as well
as the material of the Cosmos. He is Paripoorna
(Full and complete). And as a result, the
Creation is also Full and the Individual Atma is
also Full. However, the innate and genuine truth
and wisdom of an individual may sometimes be
hidden by evil thoughts and deeds. Those acts
and practices that can disclose the native
splendour and glory of the Atma are termed as
good deeds and practices.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, March 28, 2011
“We have helped the helpless; so, our path will be
smooth and safe. We have uplifted the downtrodden;
so, we can avoid troubles on our path. We have
busied ourselves in singing the Lord’s Glory in
chorus (Bhajan); so, we are sure of Heaven”— these
are the calculations of some people who engage
themselves in ‘good acts’. When such people give up
their bodies, their soul reaches Chandra Loka
(region of the Mind) as a Deva (angel). The
residence in that Loka is the reward they have
secured for the good deeds done by them in the past.
When the joy emanating from the good deeds is
experienced and spent away, the balance of the
consequences accumulated has to be suffered, and so
the soul comes back to earth as a human. Then,
engaging itself in acts of highest potency for merit
and attaining the highest good, it can cleanse its
heart and reach Brahma Loka (the region of Brahma)
from where there is no coming back.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Atma is also known as Brahman, so learning the Atma
Vidya (Atmic knowledge) is to be considered as the main
objective by every student. Students who yearn to get
this knowledge have to earn some primary qualifications.
Then only do they deserve the status of studentship.
They are: Viveka (discrimination), Vairagya
(renunciation), and ensure all evil propensities are
uprooted within themselves. Aspirants who possess good
character through these qualifications can hope to
attain the Atma with confidence and without much
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Vedas have infinite depth of meaning. All may not be
able to comprehend the inner meaning of the Vedic teachings.
The earth's gravitational force existed even before it was
discovered by Newton after rigorous experimentation.
Similarly, the eternal truths hidden in the Vedas were
perceived by the Rishis (seers) after intense penance and
Sadhana (spiritual austerities). Unless one practices their
teachings, one can never get happiness or peace. In order to
realize the Divine, you have to practice the precepts
prescribed in the Vedas. No doubt, even listening to the
recitation of the Vedas is itself capable of purifying your
mind and elevating you to a higher level. For, it is Shabdha
Brahman (God embodied as sound). If you ruminate over it and
practice it in your life, you can imagine the magnitude of
the bliss you will attain.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Friday, March 25, 2011
People are engaged in various forms of cultivation, but the most
important of these is cultivation of spiritual experiences. All
cultivation is based on spiritual cultivation. It is the king of
cultures. The king makes laws, but he is above and beyond them.
So too, all rules and laws, all distinctions of right and wrong,
of sin and virtue, of joy and sorrow affect only the Jivi
(individualized soul) that attaches importance to the
inexperienced Manas (mind) and Buddhi (intellect) and not to the
Atma. So, cultivation of the Atmic experience, which is pure,
convincing, and transcendental, is essential for all. It is also
easy, for the Atma is as the mother of all, and listening to the
Atma is like the child listening to its mother. Everyone is
competent to have that experience; in fact, it is everyone’s
right to have it!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
We cannot think without words. Words are the essential material for
thought. When the individual drops the body, the words enter the
mind; the mind enters the Prana or the life force and the Prana
merges in the Atma. The Atma (individualized in the body) when it
liberates itself, it rushes to the Surya Loka, the region of the
Solar Principle. From there, it reaches the Brahma Loka, the region
of Brahma. Having reached that region, the Jivatma (individualized
Atma) has no more concern with Prakriti, or the objective World. It
will exist there till the end of time. It will experience boundless
delight. It will have all powers except the powers of creation.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dhyana (meditation) is the very basis of all Sadhana (spiritual
practice). Meditation gives you the first inkling of the Divine Bliss.
With this Bliss as the ideal, you must carry on meditation and mental
repetition of the Divine Name from then on. The step immediately after
meditation is Samadhi (total absorption in the Self). Meditation is the
seventh of the eight-fold path of Yoga. Do not give up this royal road
that leads you on to that sacred goal!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
God is not responsible for the grief and the pain that one experiences. The
sins one commits are the progenitors of the grief one suffers. Joy and
sorrow are the consequences of the good and the evil that one perpetrates.
God is merely a witness. He does not punish, nor does He cause grief. The
Jivi is beginningless, that is to say, it has no birth; but it involves
itself in incessant activity and so it has to go through the inevitable
consequences of that activity. This is the unbreakable law of the objective
world. Grief or joy is the image of the activity one engages in; it is the
resound, the reflection, and the reaction. One can be the witness without
concerning oneself with the good and the bad of the activity. When
involvement happens, good will have to be experienced when good is done, and
evil will have to be experienced when evil is done.
Date: Monday, March 21, 2011
Dhyana (meditation) gives you the first inkling of
the Divine Bliss. Every one of you must strengthen
your mind and make it be aware of that happy moment
of bliss. Otherwise, there is a likelihood of the
mind discarding all effort to reach what is now
dismissed as ‘empty’ and ‘useless’. But once your
mind is convinced that the moment of attunement with
Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) is a moment of
complete divine power, then the effort will not be
slackened; you will most certainly reach the Atmic
realization without further interruption.
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011
Jivi (an individualized soul) can discard as many gross
bodies in which it takes temporary residence, as the
number of times one pares one’s nails. But the subtle
body cannot be changed. It lasts and persists. This is
the most secret doctrine of Bharathiya spiritual
thought. Going further along this line of discovery, it
can be known that man means a complex of the gross body,
the subtle body and the Jivi. The Vedantic philosophy
declares that the Jivi shares the quality of Nithya
(Eternal Unchanging Everlastingness) with the Brahman.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011
When things are placid, calm, and unruffled, people can
merge themselves in the atmosphere of Supreme Consciousness,
which is the highest they can reach. The Shanti (peace) they
taste there is subtler than the subtlest. They must ascend
to it through effort guided by reason, through meditation.
When the enjoyment is full and complete, it is no other than
the Divine status, the coveted goal of life! People do not
generally strive for it, because they know nothing of its
supreme attraction.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011
When faults are found in anyone, you will have to conclude
that there are deficiencies in his/her behaviour, that is
all. Do not conclude that there is no Divine Atma in them.
As a result of the company they keep or the inefficiency of
the society in which they grew up, faults have grown in
them. They are not native to their nature, which is Atmic.
You will have to provide them with good company and
beneficial surroundings and persuade him/her to enter them.
You should on no account condemn them as a born
incorrigible, and keep them aloof.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
When your mind matures and attains fruition, it easily becomes
free of all qualities. It becomes placid, calm, and pure. It
easily merges in the one and only Atma. Each person has the
unique chance to taste the inner peace that such a mind can
grant, but, unfortunately, most are strangers to the unshakable
joy and equanimity that is their birthright. Meditation is the
only island of refuge in the ocean of life for all beings tossed
on the waves of desire, doubt, dread, and despair. This Vedantic
truth must be present in the mind even while being engaged in
the mundane material world!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
We have much to learn from others. There is no need to doubt this
fact. Those who refuse to learn thus, declare themselves fools. You
can learn from others whatever can promote your spiritual
advancement and imbibe them to the full, according to the lines laid
down for your own progress in your own moral path or Dharma. You
must live as you, not as someone else. Be immersed in your God, in
your own beliefs and feelings, in the bliss that springs from your
own heart, and in the delight derived from your Sadhana (spiritual
practice). If others try to prevent you from doing this, whatever
plans they weave or contrivances they employ, resist them. Do not
deny yourself the Divine Awareness and the Divine Ecstasy. Pull down
the barriers that stand in the way and obstruct the free flow of
divinity, sweetness and strength from the depth of your heart.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How do you accumulate the wealth of character? You cannot exist without
activity, so you must, of necessity, act through good qualities. You
must curb all desires and become free. The mind filled with good
qualities will help you in this process, for it will bear other’s
prosperity gladly. It will give up doing injury; it will seek
opportunities to help, heal, and foster. It will not only suffer; it
will also pardon. It will not incline towards the false; it will be on
the alert to speak the truth. It will remain unruffled by lust, greed,
anger, and conceit; it will be free from delusion. It will always seek
the welfare of the world. From such a mind, will flow an uninterrupted
stream of love.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, March 14, 2011
Imitation is a sign of cowardice, not a quality that can ensure progress.
How can you draw inspiration for uplifting yourself if you are engaged in
hating yourself and devaluing your achievements? You should feel no sense of
shame when you bring back to memory your forefathers and the teachers of the
past who built the culture that nurtured you. Instead, you ought to feel
proud of them. Like them, manifest the power that lies in self-exertion! Do
not resort to the weak stratagem of imitating others. Instead absorb the
good qualities that others may possess. We plant a seed in the soil. Then we
supply it with the ingredients it needs—water, air, and manure. The seed
sprouts. It grows into a sapling. It becomes at last a huge tree. You will
notice that it does not become either soil or manure, or air or water. These
it makes use of, but it sticks to its own nature and grows into a tree. May
you too live like that tree!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011
Some try to be devoid of Gunas (qualities), but they achieve
only living death. Their pale faces reveal only lack of zest and
interest. This is the result of unreasoned haste in one’s
spiritual discipline. Though one should ultimately transcend
qualities, there should be no hurry to reach the goal. Many
stalwart aspirants have lost their way and not regained it in
spite of years of effort because they evinced no interest in
earning this qualification! Even though a person may have the
ardour, it very often leads to dilemmas, which many solve by
means of drastic measures! Hence, first, one must accumulate the
wealth of character.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011
There is only One; it is described by the learned ones in myriad
ways. The same thing is seen and experienced in different ways by
different people, according to the angle of vision and the level of
intelligence and awareness. Different persons describe the same
thing differently. How can anyone declare that they should not do
so? Or that what they describe is wrong? No one has the right to
disparage or deny. Only those who strive to rise above the here and
now and become aware of the Transcendental Principle of Godhead
deserve to be called true devotees. Those who revel in hurting
others do not justify to be called devotees.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Friday, March 11, 2011
Even if a person through perversity or blind conceit has thus far not
cultivated good qualities, the person can at least make a try or make
efforts to secure them! If this is not done, the excellence of life
cannot be tasted and life is a waste; its worth is nil. The mind, by
sheer force of negative forces, gets lost in false values and is unable
to develop along the right lines. Such a mind, turned away from good,
might cause indescribable evil. All progress won by the Sadhaka
(spiritual aspirant) might be destroyed by such a mind in an unguarded
moment, like a spark falling on a keg of gun powder because of a
moment’s negligence!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Doubts may arise in your minds when you hear the story of creation and the
early history of man on earth. The processes of the Divine Will are
mysterious wonders. They cannot be grasped by the faculties with which you
measure earthly events. Often, they may strike you as devoid of any basis,
but the Lord will never involve Himself in any deed without a proper cause.
That Will need not be explicable. It is its own prompter. Everything
everywhere is due to His Will.
Date: Wednesday, March 09, 2011
The fleeting show of the world (Jagath) is based on illusions (Maya). That
is why it is branded as false. But do not conclude that mere recognition of
the falsity of the world or awareness that one has certain shortcomings will
lead one on the higher path and take one to the highest truth. Without a
good character full of sterling qualities, one can never achieve progress in
the spiritual field. Progress depends on the worth and quality of the
individual, just as the harvest depends on the fertility of the field. Upon
such a worthy piece of land, sow the seeds of sterling qualities and
irrigate with the waters of reason and analysis; the plentiful harvest will
be ready in due time! On lands where the seedlings of good qualities are not
planted and tended, useless weeds multiply; and where orderly gardens could
have been cultivated, thorny bushes create a jungle of impenetrable
Date: Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Be unaffected by illusion (Maya). The intellect (Buddhi) in us is the
witness of all things in this objective world. These worldly things limit
and colour the intellect; they affect it and mould it into consciousness (Chaithanya).
Illusion is only the intellect as affected by everything, as warped and
twisted by the impressions of everything. Therefore, the spiritual
consciousness that is unaffected by illusion — i.e. upon which the world has
failed to produce any impression - is the Lord (Iswara). Therefore, the
person who is striving to reach the stage of the Lord must be unaffected by
illusion, unimpressed by the world! How can one remain unaffected? Through
analysis, rationalization, fearless inquiry, and pure reason. To acquire
this analytical reason (Viveka), sharing in the task of promoting the
welfare of every being in nature is essential.
Date: Monday, March 07, 2011
The One who has visualized the Atma principle that animates all can never
condemn the religion of anyone. He/She will never enter in to any religious
squabble or conflict. They will never talk in a light or demeaning manner
about another’s faith. They will never disturb or despise the faith held by
another. Only the ignorant with no spiritual experience, only those who do
not know the depths of Truth, will embark upon the condemnation of the faith
of others. It is very unbecoming of man to indulge in or encourage religious
conflicts, to ridicule the rites and ceremonies through which others adore
God, and to label the religious practices of other people as
‘superstitions’. For, each one has accepted the practice and holds on to it,
since it confers Ananda (joy) on him!
Date: Sunday, March 06, 2011
Welfare is the fruit of knowledge; malevolence is the fruit of
ignorance. Through welfare alone can peace, joy, and progress be
attained. One’s very basic duty is to strive for the welfare of all
beings. Promoting it and contributing to it is the right task.
Living out one’s span of life in discharging this task is the
ordained path.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
There are three stages of Sadhana (spiritual practice). They are
concentration, contemplation and meditation. When you fix your gaze on
one form, it is concentration. When this form physically moves away
after sometime, you still look at this form with your mental eye. That
is contemplation. As a result of this exercise, this form gets imprinted
in your heart permanently. That is meditation. If you go on meditating
thus, the form remains in your heart permanently. You should not confine
your spiritual practices to concentration and contemplation only. While
it is true that these are the first steps in your spiritual practices,
you must progress further. You must transform concentration to
contemplation and later into meditation. When you transform thus, you
will continue to visualize the form of God at all times. The ancient
Rishis (seers) adopted this form of meditation. That is why God
manifested before them whenever they wished, talked to them and
fulfilled their desires.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
All religious fanaticism and fights will vanish, as soon as you grasp the
Reality. Faith in God is based on genuine experience. Once we accept this,
introspection starts and one is able to measure how far one has journeyed
towards the goal or away from it. One will then realize that one is groping
in the dark and dragging others into darkness as well. Only then will men
give up factional hatred in the name of religious war on those professing
different faiths. Those who revel in religious wars should be asked, “Have
you seen God? Have you become aware of the Divine Atma? If not, what
authority do you have to decry or deny this name of God? Are you, struggling
in the darkness, attempting to draw me too into that darkness? Can a blind
man lead another blind man along the road? That is an impossible task.
Therefore, understand your Truth before you defame or deny mine.”
Date: Thursday, March 03, 2011
Each electric bulb has a separate wattage, and the wattage remains for a
limited period of a time. Avatars are like these electric bulbs. Over a
period, God has incarnated as several Avatars. You must be attached, NOT to
the physical form of a particular Avatar, but to DIVINITY as the Supreme
Parabrahma beyond form and attributes, which has manifested many times in
many ages. Though you were born as a baby, you grow up as a child, youth,
and become an elderly person; you are the same individual in all the
different stages. You must, therefore, constantly meditate upon the Divine,
which is true and eternal.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Wednesday, March 02, 2011
We have spent so many nights ever since we were born, but not all those
nights can be termed Shivarathri. Since this night is spent in
meditation and singing the Glory of the Divine Name of Lord Shiva, it is
called Shivarathri. Not only this night, but also whenever you spend an
entire night meditating upon the Divine Name, that night is also called
Shivarathri. Always attach yourself to the Divine Name. Always meditate
on the Divine Name. Not just contemplation, but Meditation with love for
God. Your love for God should be continuous through the day and night
and should never undergo a change.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Anyone who is intent on following the spiritual path or meditation must take
every care that these ten enemies do not even approach them. (Tenfold sins:
3 physical, 4 verbal, and 3 mental. The physical sins are: injury to life,
adulterous desire, and theft. The verbal sins are: false alarms, cruel
speech, jealous talk, and lies. The mental sins are: greed, envy, and denial
of God). These sins have to be eschewed completely. Instead, you need
tendencies that will help you progress and not drag you back. You must speak
and act only good (Shubha), for good alone is auspicious (Mangala) and the
auspicious alone is Shiva. This is what the scriptures (Shastras) teach. The
good is the auspicious. The auspicious is the spiritually helpful. Thus
being good is the true instrument that aids in merging with Lord Shiva.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
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