Date: Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Upanishads announce certain Sadhanas (spiritual exercise) to achieve
inner peace. One of that is engaging in Karma or beneficial activity - that
is to say, service to people which will help diminish the ego sense, acts
that are good and godly. When one’s thoughts are engaged in such activities,
the mind turns away from the talk it indulges in. Listening to spiritual
advice, reflection on spiritual directions, and discovering ways and means
of confirming faith in the Lord and recital of the names of God and
withdrawing the mind from sensual pursuits have been prescribed by the
scriptures for silencing the mental chatter, this inner talk, as a
preparation for attaining the Supreme Lord. For it is only when the mind is
cleansed and clarified that it can achieve such a profound task. Only then
the lessons taught and the experiences undergone can be pure and unsullied.
Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010
It is not possible to limit the freedom of God in assuming Forms. He adopts
endless Forms to manifest Himself in the world, and saves it. His
incarnation is in conformity with the need of the crisis at that time. When
the Earth moaned under the injustice of the demon Hiranyaksha, He had to
appear as a boar, taking Form and equipped with Attributes, though in
essence, He is without Form and Attribute. The will of God cannot be
explained by categories or as consequences. It is according to the needs of
the situation, in the Forms best suited for the destruction of the wicked
and for the protection of the good and godly.
Date: Friday, October 29, 2010
Ordinary humans struggle to win material happiness and external pleasures.
They do not seek the spiritual bliss (Ananda) that the Atma, their inner
reality, can grant. They lose the great opportunity of experiencing it, and
they don’t take any steps appropriate for the purpose. All the time, their
attention is directed only to the external world. It does not turn inward.
Looking outward is the characteristic of animals, not of humans. The
important organs of sense perception in the human body - the eye, the nose,
the tongue, etc. - all open outward in order to contact external objects.
The Sovereign Lord is the embodiment of indivisible sweetness (Rasa), the
treasure house of bliss, can be realized only when you look inward. A wise
person would gradually and steadily endeavour to look inward and acquire
that victory of Bliss.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010
The mind is engaged in two activities: Alochana or planning and Sambhashana
or dialogue. Both these follow different lines. Planning is intent on
solving problems that present themselves before the mind. Dialogue
multiplies the problems and confounds the solutions causing confusion and
adoption of wrong and ruinous means to solve them. The inner conversation
and controversial chatter continues from morning till night, until sleep
overtakes the mind. It causes ill-health and the early setting in of old
age. The topics on which the chatter is based are mostly the faults and
failings of others and their fortunes and misfortunes. This perpetual
dialogue is at the bottom of all the miseries of man. It covers the mind
with thick darkness. It grows wild very quickly and suppresses one's genuine
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Supreme Sovereign Lord manifesting Himself as Brahma, Vishnu and
Maheshwara, through the prompting of Primal Desire (Moha) is engaged in
creating, fostering and destroying the worlds. In what is thus created,
there is always the principle of Dualism. There is difference and disparity
between one and another. If these differences and disparities are harmonised
wisely, the world will have happiness and peace. If, on the other hand,
living beings behave wrongly, the world will be sunk in anxiety, misery and
confusion. When these arise, the Lord assumes appropriate Forms and affords
necessary protection and correction. He sets right the damaged world,
removes the evil forces that caused the damage, and instructs mankind in the
science of fostering the right and the good.
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Teachers who teach with the salary paid to them in their minds, and students
who learn with the jobs they may procure in their minds are both pursuing
wrong paths. In fact, the task of the teacher is to discharge his duty of
instructing and inspiring the students so that they develop their latent
talents and advance in the perfection of their skills. The task of the
student is to unfold the Divine in him and equip himself for serving society
with his skill and knowledge.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, October 25, 2010
When the person who is bound relies on the one who is not bound, he can get
rid of his bonds and move about freely. The person who is deep in grief must
seek refuge in the one who is floating on spiritual bliss (Ananda), filled
with joy. Bondage plunges one into sorrow; the Lord is total Bliss
personified. Therefore, one can be completely cured of grief only by
resorting to the inexhaustible spring of delight, the Lord. And what exactly
is liberation (Moksha)? It is release from grief, the absence of grief, and
attainment of spiritual bliss (Ananda-Praapti). The supreme Self, the
sovereign Lord, is the embodiment of indivisible sweetness (Rasa), the
treasure house of bliss (Ananda Nilaya). Hence, those who seek and secure
His grace gain eternity itself.
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010
Those who are intent on sensory pleasures spend their days in worry, in
anxiety, in pain, grief and tears throughout a long period of life; they
breed like birds and beasts. They eat good food and cast it away as waste.
This is the purposeless life that most people lead. Can you call this the
process of living? Enormous numbers of living beings exist on the earth.
Living is not enough. It has no value by itself, for itself. One can be
considered to be alive only if the motives, the feelings, the thoughts, the
attitudes that prompt a person reveal the divine qualities within.
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010
Each one of you require faith in yourselves, more than most other qualities.
The absence of self-confidence marks the beginning of one’s decline. Today,
the world is facing ruin and disaster because people have lost confidence in
themselves. Self-confidence alone is capable of granting peace and
prosperity to each and every person. If you cultivate self-confidence, you
will receive kindness everywhere. You will be honoured in all places.
Whatever you touch, will become gold!
Date: Friday, October 22, 2010
Liberation is the realisation of awareness, achievement of oneness with the
Divine. Each and every living being has to attain this consummation, this
goal, the Brahman. That is its true destination. Some day or the other, the
urge to win release from the shackles of grief and joy, and the bonds of “I”
and “mine” will awaken and emerge. The path that is taken then inevitably
leads to freedom (Moksha). Seeking that path is the sign of the intelligent
person. Instead of this search, when one considers the objective world as
all-important and feels drawn toward its charm, life is barren and is of no
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Eyes that seek evil, ears that relish evil, tongue that craves evil, nose
that enjoys the foul, and hands that delight in evil—these must be totally
avoided. Whoever has any of these must correct them immediately. Or else,
one’s future is bound to be disastrous. The wrongs of the five Indriyas
(senses) will result in the destruction of the five Pranas (vital energies)
and the killing of the five Koshas (sheaths of existence). Of course, the
senses yield momentary pleasure and joy but, as the saying goes, “senility
lies in wait.” Sensual pleasures bring about great grief quite soon.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
When the cause is known, one can know all its consequences. The entire
universe was formed from the five primordial elements (Prapancha), and is a
projection by the Divine Will. It is a consequence of the Will of God (Bhagavath-Sankalpa).
God is the cause of all creation. Correct vision will reveal unity in
diversity. One’s limited intelligence cannot unravel it. With distorted
vision (Ku-darshan), one sees only the name-form, the appearances, and
therefore gets deluded and confounded. One gets tossed by likes and
dislikes, pleasure and pain, elation and depression. One is aware only of
the unreal many parading diverse names and forms. Correct vision
(Su-darshan) makes you see the One in the many. It reveals unity in
diversity and confers supreme delight.
Date: Monday, October 18, 2010
Envy expands the string of mischief it plays on people. It makes one revel
in scandalising others. This evil today is widespread among the youth. It
comes naturally to them, for it is a sign of ignorance. To get rid of this
habit, you must devote some time, early in the day and before retiring for
sleep, in exploring the mind and examining faults that have secured foothold
therein. You must pray to God to save you from this tendency. When once you
have won the Grace of God, you can be rest assured that such absurdities
will not deform your character!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Those who listen to the narration of the Lord with earnest devotion (and not
merely listen) and reflect upon its value and significance and act according
to the light it sheds on their minds will merge in the Bliss of the Lord.
Their hearts will be filled with the sweet nectar of the personification of
His Captivating Charm. They will experience the Adwaitha Ananda, the Bliss
of being one with Him. To attain this fruit, the highest Sadhana (spiritual
exercise) is the recitation of the Name of God with full vigilance of
thought, feeling and utterance (Mano-vaak-kaya) and the loud singing of His
Glory. There is no greater spiritual practice than singing His Glory.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Your desires - wants, longings, resolutions, and wishes - are multiplied and
prompted by works (Karma). The initial impulse for desire is ignorance of
the reality (Ajnana). If so, doubt arises, naturally, how the consciousness
that is unaware can transform itself into the consciousness that is aware
(Jnana)? Darkness can never remove darkness, can it? So too, ignorance (Ajnana)
can never destroy ignorance. It can be accomplished only by spiritual wisdom
(Jnana), which is awareness of the truth. This is the dictum promulgated by
Sankara. The world told needs this harmony very much. It also needs
awareness, to an equal extent.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010
When the all-protecting Lord is on your side, how can the wiles of
evil-minded men harm you? The conspiracies will have to fail ignominiously.
True devotees like the Pandavas looked for support, not to something or
someone outside them, but to the Lord within them. The devotion and sense of
surrender of the Pandavas had nothing to equal them; so too, the Grace that
Lord Krishna showered upon them was unexcelled!
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010
Discover for yourself your stage of spiritual development, to which class in
the school you would fit in. Then determine to proceed from that class to
the next higher one. Strive your best and you will win the Grace of God. Do
not bargain or despair. One step at a time is enough, provided it is towards
the goal, not away from it. Beware of the pride of wealth, scholarship,
status, that drag you into egoism. Do not seek the faults of others; seek
your own. Be happy when you see others prosper; share your joy with others.
When the good are happy and living in peace, the bad cannot tolerate it;
they develop intense headache! The bad have to contemplate the loss and
hardships that the good undergo, in order to be happy! The loss suffered by
the good is the gain of evil minds. The sweetness of the cuckoo is bitter to
the ear of the crow. The Kauravas tried their worst to create dissension
among the five brothers and spread heinous scandals, affecting one or the
other. But the Pandava brothers respected truth and stuck to truth and so,
nothing could separate them. Nothing could make a dent on the happiness of
the five Pandava brothers.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Brahman (Divinity) cannot be comprehended by means of proofs or arguments.
It is immeasurable (Aprameya), beyond reason and calculation. It is
indefinable, cannot be pronounced as being such or so, for this reason or
that. It is immeasurable by time and space. The usual proofs for truth are
direct perception (Pratyaksha) and inferential perception (Anumaana). But
Brahman cannot be cognized by these two means. The sages experienced it and
expressed it in the scriptures. The scriptures themselves are the proof. The
Word or Shabdha is the firmest proof for the existence of Brahman.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, October 11, 2010
Each one of you should transform yourself into a Sumathi (person with good
intelligence). You should avoid turning into a Durmathi (person with
perverted, polluted intelligence). A huge heap of fuel can be reduced to
ashes by a tiny spark of fire. A drop of poison can render a pot of milk
totally undrinkable. Envy and hatred are the sparks that destroy the cluster
of virtues in you. Beware!
Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010
The blind cannot be saved by the blind. The destitute cannot be helped out
by the destitute. How can a person who is destitute and helpless remove the
poverty, suffering, and pain of another? The poor must approach the
affluent, the wealthy. The blind must seek the guidance of a person who can
see. One who is bound and blinded by the dualities of creation has to take
refuge in the inexhaustible treasure of compassion, power, and wisdom,
namely, the Divine Atma. Then, one can get rid of the destitution of grief,
revel in the wealth of spiritual bliss, and attain the goal of human
existence. This consummation is won through the Grace of the Lord.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, October 09, 2010
God has no bondage to time and space. For Him, all beings are the same. He
is the master of the living and the non-living. At the conclusion of every
aeon, the process of involution is completed in the Pralaya (Great Deluge).
Then, evolution starts again, and as Lord Brahma, He creates beings again.
He enlightens everyone with a spark of his own Glory and fosters every one
of them on the path of fulfilment, as Lord Vishnu. He, as Lord Shiva,
concludes the process by the destruction of all. Thus, you can see that
there is no limit to His might, no end to His potency. There can be no
boundaries for His achievements.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Praising oneself and condemning others are equally deadly. Attempting to
hide one’s meanness and wickedness and putting on the mask of goodness,
justifying one’s faults and exaggerating one’s attainments - these are also
poisonous traits. Equally poisonous is the habit of ignoring the good in
others and assiduously seeking only their faults. Never speak words that
demean anyone. When we are friendly with another and like them very much,
whatever he/she does is certain to strike us as good. When the wind changes
and the same person is disliked, even the good he/she does strikes us as
bad. Both these reactions are misconceived. They are not commendable at all.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, October 07, 2010
The apparently moving (Chara) and unmoving (Achara), the active and inert,
are both willed by the Divine. That Divine Will is a conscious act (Chetana);
it is not a form of inertness (Achetana). Whatever arguments and
counter-arguments are advanced by any person, the truth that Divine Will is
the root of everything stands unshakable. People who argue about this either
are deluded by appearances or are only trying to bolster up their pet
fancies, avoiding deeper probes.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
God does not incarnate merely for the destruction of the wicked. Truly
speaking, God incarnates primarily for the sustenance of the faithful, the
devoted, the virtuous and the good. But even the faithless and the bad, use
the chance for their own purpose. In the Bhagavatha, stories of wicked
persons intervene amidst the accounts of the Glory and Grace of God. These
stories do not make the Bhagavatha any less holy. When the sweet juice has
been squeezed out of the sugarcane, the bagasse is discarded. When the
sweetness of Divine Majesty has been tasted, the bagasse can be thrown out.
The cane has both bagasse and sugar; it cannot be sugar only. So too,
devotees have to be amidst the faithless; they cannot be without the others.
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 2010
You must learn to be happy and filled with joy when others are acclaimed as
good and are respected for their virtues and the ideals they hold dear. You
must cultivate broad outlook and purity of motives. You must be ever
vigilant that the demon of envy does not possess you. The demon of envy is
certain to destroy all that is precious within you. It will even ruin your
health and damage your digestive system. It will rob you of sleep. It will
sap your physical and mental stamina and reduce you to the state of chronic
illness. Hence, if someone is praised and you desire it, you must resolve to
emulate those who do better than you and earn equal appreciation. You must
strive to acquire knowledge, skills and experience as much as others. That
is the proper ambition you must have.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, October 04, 2010
Love for the Divine Self is primary; love for other worldly objects or
persons is secondary. Worldly love for another person cannot be termed as
genuine love. The Jagath (cosmos) or the Prapancha (five-element composite)
emanated from the Brahman (God). There is no spot in the Universe where the
Divine is not manifest. The cosmos is ever in movement and the Lord of the
cosmos (Jagadiswara) is the mover. Love for the Divine Self is the source of
all worldly love. The Upanishads clearly proclaim that when you love the
Divine Self, it brings everyone nearer and dearer to you (Atmanastu Kaamaaya
Sarvam Priyam Bhavati).
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Sunday, October 03, 2010
The story of the Lord is an enchanting treasure. Store His story in your
memory and save yourself from delusion and grief. You may have listened to
the recitals of all Shastras (scriptures) and mastered all Sadhanas
(spiritual practices). But the greatest of them all is the sacred Name of
the Lord and the sweetness that it oozes. When His Name falls on the ear,
your heart will be filled with joy. When you recall His Name, a stream of
Love will spring forth from your heart.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] ![]() Date: Saturday, October 02, 2010
No enemy can be as insidious as jealousy. When one sees a person more
powerful, or more knowledgeable, or with greater reputation or more wealth
or more beauty, or even wearing better clothing, one is afflicted with
jealousy. You may find it difficult to acknowledge and accept the situation.
Your mind may seek means to demean them and lower them in the estimation of
people. Such propensities and evil tendencies should never strike root in
your minds. You must be careful such that your character is not polluted.
Date: Friday, October 01, 2010
Today, the experience and wisdom of great seers who have unveiled the
mystery of the cosmos and their feelings of universal love are not
appreciated, accepted, and respected. All religious dogmas, except a few,
can easily be harmonized and reconciled. The same God is extolled and adored
under various names through varied ceremonial rituals in many religions. In
every age, for every race, God has sent prophets to establish peace and
goodwill. Presently, many religions have spread far and wide across the
world and have lost fraternal feelings over time. There is an urgent need
for harmony. All great people are images of God. There is only one single
caste in the realm of God and all belong to one nation, the Divine
Fellowship. You must interest yourself in understanding the practices and
beliefs of the others. Then only you can, with cleansed mind and loving
heart, attain the Divine Presence.
[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español ] ![]() TFTD Archive 2010
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