Never feel depressed when you are weighed down by difficulties. God will
never impose on you ordeals that you cannot bear. He tests his devotees
in various ways. Test is the ‘taste’ of God. Never fear any test. Be
ready to sacrifice even your life for the sake of God. Only then will
God protect you. There are no defects in God. All words and deeds of God
are perfect. What you see is the reflection, reaction and resound of
your feelings. They are psychological in nature. God always grants us
welfare alone. Understand and experience this truth.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
You should not waste your life in merely eating, drinking, and sleeping. In
fact such a life is a blot on human nature itself. Every activity of yours
should reflect the divine message. Unfortunately, this is not the case
today. Some people claim that they have dedicated their lives to the mission
of God. But in reality it is not so. They are wasting their precious time in
materialistic pursuits. There is nothing wrong in studying, doing jobs, and
earning money provided they are done in the right spirit, which is
beneficial to one and all. You see many people suffering. In what way are
you helping them? The dualities of life such as pain and pleasure go hand in
hand. Pain and pleasure coexist. It is impossible to separate them. Pleasure
does not exist separately. The fructification of pain is pleasure. This
message of truth must be taught to the entire world. Without pain, one does
not realise the value of pleasure. The value of light can be realised only
when there is darkness.
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Having taken birth as a human being, one has to realise the Divinity within.
The primary duty of every individual, as a messenger of God, is to practice
and propagate the principles of truth, love, and peace and to experience the
bliss within and share it with others. The one who propagates the worldly,
fleeting, and ephemeral matters cannot be called a Messenger of God. The one
who loves God is the Messenger of God. The one whom God loves is the Son of
God. The one who understands the principle of unity becomes one with God.
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The world observes only the interval between birth and death; they concern
themselves only with that limited period. But God, the Master and Sovereign
of all the worlds, past, present and future, does not do like that. He has
more compassion than the entire human race put together. He showers His
grace, weighing the three tenses of time, the three tiers of space, and the
three traits of character. He knows best, more than any one of us; the best
recourse for you is to believe that everything is His Will and be at peace,
and immerse yourself in the contemplation of His glory and grace.
Date: Monday, December 27, 2010
To battle against the tendency of body-identification, and to win the grace
of God as the only means of victory, spiritual exercises have been laid
down, such as philosophical inquiry, besides sense control (Dama), and other
disciplines of the six-fold Sadhana (spiritual discipline). The practice of
these will ensure the purification of the consciousness. It will then become
like a clean mirror that can reflect the object, so the Atma will stand
revealed clearly. For Jnanasiddhi (the attainment of the highest wisdom),
Chitthashuddhi (the cleansing of the consciousness) is the royal path. For
the pure in heart, this is easy of achievement. This is the central truth of
the search for the Ultimate Reality.
Date: Sunday, December 26, 2010
Unity of head, heart, and hand is essential for man. This is the true
significance behind the Christians making the cross sign. Install God in
your heart. Contemplate on Him and undertake good deeds. Consider every
activity as God’s work and act accordingly. Merely feeding the poor and
distributing clothes to the needy do not constitute Seva (selfless
service). Along with this, one has to cultivate love, which is eternal.
Right from dawn to dusk all our actions should be suffused with love.
Start the day with love, fill the day with love, spend the day with
love, end the day with love. This is the way to God.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010
Worship Jesus by following His ideals. Jesus pointed to three stages. The
first one is “I am the Messenger of God.” He wanted to propagate the message
of God. The second one is, “I am the Son of God.” The son has a claim to
father’s property. What is the property of God? Truth, love, forbearance,
peace, and righteousness are the properties of God. So, you must strive to
attain these qualities. You must practice, experience, and propagate these
virtues. Only then do you deserve to be called Son of God. The third one is
“I and My Father are one.” This stage is attained when the principle of
unity is realised. Jesus was always blissful and was prepared for anything
because He understood that the body is merely vesture and God is the
Date: Friday, December 24, 2010
Every human being is a messenger of God. Everyone is born in
this world by the Will of God. Your foremost duty is to make the
stream of Divine Love flow to one and all. You are born not
merely to live for yourself. Only by dedicating your life to the
service of the society, will you ennoble yourself and achieve
self-satisfaction. God has sent you to this world to practice
and propagate this message. Of what avail is human birth if you
remain like a lump of clay without serving the society?
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010
Adored by the Muslims as Allah, as Jehovah by the Christians, as the
lotus-eyed Lord Vishnu by the Vaishnavites (worshippers of Lord
Vishnu), and as Shambhu by the Shaivites (worshippers of Lord
Shiva), God is worshipped as the One Supreme Self, who confers
health and wealth. People may worship God in various names and
forms, but the very same God responds to the prayers of all.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010
People are suffering despair and defeat on account of the waywardness
and unsteadiness of the senses. This is the result of inability to
control and guide the intelligence and mind! The conflicting desires
infecting the mind have to be quenched and controlled. Plunge the
wayward mind, which is fleeing in all directions, in contemplation of
the Name of the Lord; the effect will be like concentrating the rays of
the sun through a piece of magnifying glass. The scattered rays develop
the power of a flame to burn and consume. So too, when the waves of
intellect and the feelings of mind get one-pointedness through the
converging lens of the Atma, they manifest as the Universal Divine
Splendour that can scorch evil and illumine joy. Everyone is able to
gain success in his/her profession or occupation only through
one-pointed attention. Even the pettiest of tasks needs the quality of
concentration for its fulfilment. Thus, even the toughest problem yields
to unswerving endeavour.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Droupadi asked Dharmaja one day, “Lord! You are undoubtedly the topmost
among those who follow unwaveringly the path of Dharma; yet, how is it that
such a terrible calamity happened to you?” Dharmaja replied, “Droupadi, do
not grieve. Look at this Himalayan range. How magnificent, glorious,
beautiful and sublime it is! It is so splendid a phenomenon that I love it
without limit. It will not grant me anything; but it is my nature to love
the beautiful, the sublime. So, here too I am residing with Love. The
embodiment of this sublime beauty is God. This is the meaning and
significance of the love for God. God is the only entity that is worth
loving. This is the reason why I love Him. I shall not wish for any favour
from Him. I shall not pray for any boon. Let him keep me where He loves to
keep me. The highest reward for my love is His love! My love is not an
article in the market.” Thus Dharmaja taught Droupadi that Love is a Divine
quality and has to be treated so. Love is the spontaneous nature of those
who are ever present in the awareness of the Atma.
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010
Maya (illusion) obstructs vision of the Reality. Its nature is to hide the
reality and make it appear as the unreal. Only when you remove it and
destroy it can you have a vision of God. Through this way alone can you
attain God. Maya makes you feel that the non-existent exists. It shows water
in the mirage. It makes you see what is imagined and desired as truth.
Delusion cannot affect a man if he is able to give up desire, imagination
and planning. If you get this faith firm in yourself, there can be no more
desire for external pleasures. Enquire and investigate; you will know this
truth. Without that enquiry, delusion will grow and intellect will be slowly
Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010
The supreme secret is that you must live in the world where you are born,
like the lotus leaf, which though born in water, floats upon it without
being affected or wet by it. Of course, it is good to love and adore God
with a view to gain some valuable fruit either here or hereafter. But since
there is no fruit or object more valuable and worthwhile than God, the Vedas
advise us to love God, with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you
must love for love’s sake. Love God alone, with no other wish or demand,
since whatever He can give is but less than He Himself.
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010
The cart of inner senses (Anthah-karana) must be yoked to the bullocks of
intelligence (Buddhi) and mind (Manas) and made to follow their tracks. But
if the bullocks of Buddhi and Manas have no knowledge of the pathways of
truth, righteousness, peace, and love and if they have never once trodden
that path, then the cart of the inner senses itself might come to grief!
Even if they are prodded to proceed, they will only drag the cart to the
familiar post of confusion, injustice, cruelty, indiscipline, and falsehood!
What then of the journey? When is the arrival to be? Therefore, Buddhi and
Manas have to be taught the art of pulling the cart and moving steadily
along the road. This has to be done by repetition of the Lord’s Name (Japa)
and meditation (Dhyana).
Date: Friday, December 17, 2010
The confusing influence of Maya (illusion) is the consequence of one’s
accumulated activities in previous lives. You can escape Maya through
good consequence. If good activity has marked previous lives, any sinful
tendency will and can be overwhelmed by virtuous tendencies in this
life. You will have faith in Divinity and you will attach yourself to
the Divine and spend your life on the basis of the Divine. On the other
hand, those who have committed horrible crimes in past lives have the
dreadful darkened vision, and it prevents them from seeing the Divine.
Such a person is never reminded of God and His handiwork, never yearns
for his own good and the good of others. They see things in false
perspective. They revel in wickedness, and engage in vicious acts.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010
Developing faith in the Atma Principle and loving it earnestly is true
worship. There is only one Divine Self. Feel that it is more loveable than
any object here or hereafter—that is the true adoration you can offer to
God. This is what the Vedas teach. The Vedas do not teach the acceptance of
a bundle of frightfully hard rules and restrictions. They do not hold before
you a prison house where man is shut in by the bars of cause and effect.
They teach us that there is One who is the Sovereign behind all these rules
and restrictions, One who is the core of each object, each unit of energy,
each particle or atom and One under whose orders alone the five
elements—ether, air, fire, water and earth operate. Love Him, adore Him,
worship Him - this is the grand philosophy of Love as elaborated in the
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2010
If you tread the holy path of truth, righteousness, peace, and love, the
Lord Himself will bestow on you, all that is needed, all that is deserved!
That will give you peace of mind. Offer everything to the Lord without any
desire for the result; that indeed yields complete joy; that is indeed the
easiest! While it is very difficult to speak untruth and act against Dharma,
it is very easy to utter the truth and walk the path of Dharma
(righteousness). It is a very pleasant task to speak out the thing just as
it is; one need not spend a moment of thought upon it. To speak of what is
not, one has to create the non-existent! It also plunges one into fear and
fantasy, in to an atmosphere of restlessness and worry. So, instead of
following sensory actions (Vishaya Karma) which offer all these troubles and
complications, follow actions that liberate (Shreyo Karma), the path of
Atmic bliss, which is true, eternal, and holy.
Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Reflect for a while how inspiring is the example of Lord Krishna while he
underwent his education and how his conduct and earnestness contributed to
the joy of the elders. Though all learning emanates from Him and is to be
earned through His Grace, He plays the role of a pupil, as a representative
of the ideal pupil, in order to show the world by His own example, the way
in which a Guru is to be chosen and served, the quality of humility that
education must instil, and the gratitude and respect that the pupil has to
offer to the teacher. It is with the intention of guiding and prompting the
students of today that Krishna Himself went through the educational process
and lived the ideal. Notice how subtle is the mystery of God and His Leelas!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, December 13, 2010
A cart can move only when two bullocks are yoked to it. And the cart can
move safely only when the bullocks are trained to pull carts and when they
are used to the road on which they have to walk. Instead, if they are
ignorant of the process of pulling carts, if they have not walked on the
road, if they have never stepped out of their shed, or if they have always
moved only round and round the post to which they have been tied, the
journey cannot proceed! So also, the cart of inner consciousness (Anthah-karana)
cannot move by itself; it must be attached to the bullocks of intelligence (Buddhi)
and mind (Manas), and made to follow their tracks. But, prior to the
journey, the bullocks - intelligence and mind - should be conversant with
the road to the village that the inner consciousness (Anthah-karana) is
eager to reach. They must be trained to proceed in that direction. If this
is done, the journey will be easy and safe.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Sunday, December 12, 2010
Human beings have been endowed with the intelligence and discriminative
faculty of heightened degree in order to enable them to visualise the Atma.
This is the reason why human beings are acclaimed as the crown of creation,
and this is why the scriptures proclaim that the chance of being born as man
is a very rare piece of good fortune. Human beings have the qualifications,
urge and the capacity needed to seek the cause of Creation. People should
endeavour to promote peace, prosperity and safety. They should use the
forces and things in nature for promoting happiness and pleasure. They are
approved by the Vedas themselves.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010
Balarama and Krishna studied under Guru Saandeepini, offering him the
tribute of love and reverence. Giving joy to the teacher, studying well what
has been taught, avoiding the pursuit of sensory pleasure and devoting
oneself solely for the pursuit of knowledge: they lived by these guidelines.
They never interrupted the discourse of the preceptor or interposed their
will against his. They did not overstep his will or direction in any
instance. They never challenged his authority or dared disobey his
instructions. Though Balarama & Krishna were the repositories of Supreme
authority over Earth and Heaven, they gave their preceptor the respect and
obedience that was due to his eminence and position. They were full of
earnestness and devotion. They did not allow anything to distract them from
their lesson. That is how a good student should be, that is what Balarama
and Krishna were!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Friday, December 10, 2010
The process of living has the attainment of the Supreme as its purpose and
meaning. The "Supreme" means the Atma, the Divine Self who is present
everywhere. Many great people have directed their intelligence towards the
discovery of the omnipresent Atma and succeeded in visualising that Divine
Principle. There is plenty of evidence of the successful realisation of the
goals placed before themselves by preachers, pundits, aspirants and
ascetics, when they tried earnestly to pursue them.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Thursday, December 09, 2010
While engaged in the mundane activities and in sense objects, if you have no
interest in the result or consequence, then not only can you be victorious
over the feelings of “I” and “mine”, greed and lust, but you can be far away
from all such traits. Liberating action is pure, faultless, unselfish, and
unswerving. Its characteristic is the importance given to the idea of action
without any desire of the fruits thereof (Nishkama Karma), which was
elaborated in the Bhagavad Gita. The practice of this discipline involves
the development of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love (Sathya, Dharma,
Shanti and Prema). While on this path, if one also takes up the discipline
of remembering the name of the Lord, where else can one acquire more joy and
bliss? It will give the fullest satisfaction.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Those who seek to know or lay down the causes for the Lord willing one way
and not another are really on an impertinent adventure; so too are those who
assert that His power and His plans have such and such characteristics,
qualifications and limits, and those who claim to know that the Lord will
act only in this particular mode, and those who declare that the Divine
Principle is of this nature and not otherwise! There can be no limit or
obstacle to His Will. There can be no bounds to the manifestation of His
power and His glory. He fructifies all that He wills. He can manifest in
whatever form He wills. He is unique, incomparable, and equal to Himself
alone. He is His own measure, witness, authority.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Actions that bind include all activity in relation to exterior objects. Such
actions are usually resorted to with a desire for the result. This craving
for the results leads one to the morass of “I” and “mine” and the demons of
lust and greed. If one follows this path, there will be sudden flares, as
when clarified butter (ghee) is poured in the sacrificial fire! Assigning
priority to sense objects (Vishaya) is the same as assigning importance to
poison (Visha)!
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
] Date: Monday, December 06, 2010
God is Omnipotent. He knows no distinction between the possible and the
impossible. His wizardry, His sport, His play, His pranks cannot be
described with the vocabulary that man commands. Though He has no Roopa or
Form, He can assume the Form of the Universal Person, embodying all Creation
in His Form. He is One, but He makes Himself Many. Matsya, Koorma, Varaha,
Narasimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Kalki - people relate
to each other that these are the Divine Forms He has assumed. But that is
not describing Him as vast as His magnificence. We have to visualise all
forms as His. The vitality of every being is His Breath. In short, every bit
in Creation is He, the manifestation of His Will. There is nothing distinct
or separate from Him.
Date: Sunday, December 05, 2010
Everything has energy latent in it - a piece of paper has it, a strip of
cloth has it. When the latent energy is exhausted, death results; when
energy fills, birth happens. Sath-Chith-Ananda is energy. Energy is all
and energy is derived from God. That is the very basis of man. Now, we
are building superstructures somewhere else, not on this basis. The
foundational Divine Principle is being ignored. We are fascinated by
subjects and studies that promise to feed our stomachs and make us
materially happy and powerful. But the hard truth is the Divine
underlying everything. Man must either know the supreme truth of the One
Being behind all Becoming or at least know the practical truth of love
and brotherhood.
Date: Saturday, December 04, 2010
All things that are seen are transient, unreal. God alone is eternal, real.
Attachment with objects ends in grief. God is your own Reality. That
Reality, the God in you, has no relationship with the changing transitory
objective world. He is Pure Consciousness only. Even if you posit some
relationship for it, it can only be the type of relationship that exists
between the dreamer and the objects seen and experienced in dreams.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
Date: Friday, December 03, 2010
Among students today, we do not find the spirit of focus, singleness of
purpose and fraternal co-operation. Sadbhava (good feelings) and Sathsanga
(good company) have become rare; mutual love and yearning for good company
have weakened. “As the ruler (Raja), so the ruled (Praja),” says the
proverb. “As the teacher, so the pupil” seems to be equally true. Realizing
this, teachers, therefore, have to be interested in high thinking and a life
steeped in renunciation.
Date: Thursday, December 02, 2010
You must exercise constant watchfulness over your feelings and
reactions. You must keep out selfishness, envy, anger, greed and
other such evil tendencies from entering your minds. These are nets
which entrap you. These vices overwhelm and subdue your holiness, so
that you cannot be influenced any longer. Then you will forget
yourself and behave like an individual caught in frenzy. You will
blabber as your tongue dictates, without regard to the effect - good
or evil. You will engage your hands in work that the hands favour.
Be aware and keep them in control! If you carefully discriminate,
you can be recognised by the good company you keep, the good works
you delight in and the good words you utter.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
When viewed without the twin distortions of like and dislike, love and
hate, all forms, all effects, all causes are experienced as Brahman
(Divinity) only. When the vision is affected by love or hate, each form,
each effect and cause, appears different from the rest. When feelings
are calm and balanced, the many is experienced as the one. An agitated
mind can never have a single vision. It runs along contrary lines, so it
experiences the world, nature, and the cosmos as separate from God. Such
vision also creates division. Serene vision reveals unity. As is the
vision, so is the impression, the view of the world.
Mensaje de la
Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam - En Español
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