Sri Sathya Sai Baba Quotes on Women
Sai Baba Quotes

Sai Baba Quotes
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Quotes on:
Women -
Study Circle -
Meditation -
Education -
Love -
Related discourse:
Role of the Mother
This day of 19
th November is celebrated as Ladies Day in order to delve into the
sacred qualities of women and disseminate them. Women are the
repositories of Truth and Culture. Though earth is one, the plants
vary depending on the seeds sown. The womb of mother symbolizes mother
earth. As is the seed of thought sown in it, so is the fruit it
yields. You cannot expect mangoes by sowing a neem seed. So, the
mother's womb should be filled with good thoughts, good words and good
deeds. Only then can she beget virtuous children. Today we find many
children with bad character and bad behavior. The reason for this can
be attributed to the bad thoughts of their mothers.
November 19, 2000,
Ladies Day
In this country
of Bharat was born Savitri,
the woman of chastity,
Who could fight with Yama, the God of Death and
bring back to life her dead husband.
In this country of Bharat was born Chandramathi,
the paragon of virtue,
Who suffered the terrible ordeals
of her husband, Harischandra,
Sita, the devoted consort of Rama
and the divine daughter of Mother Earth,
Who demonstrated her chastity by coming out of
blazing fire unscathed, was born in this Bharat.
Damayanthi, also a woman of pristine purity and
chastity who stood by her husband Nala
Through thick and thin was born in the sacred land of Bharat.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
31, Chapter 14 'Glory of Womanhood'
Education is no
book-worm affair; the process must include the study and appreciation
of all trades, professions and guilds. It must encourage the
acceptance of the good and the rejection of the bad. Spiritual
education is not a distinct and separate discipline; it is part and
parcel of all types and levels of education, In fact, it is the very
foundation on which a lasting edifice can be built. Secular and
spiritual education are like the two halves in the seeds of pulses;
the germ that sprouts is in between; it is fed by both.
The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is
to be raised. When women are true and brave, kind and compassionate,
virtuous and pious, the world can have an era of peace and joy.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
13, Chapter 17 'My Wish, My Vow'
and Marriage
Remember most
of you will get married and you will have the great responsibility of
rearing up families, that is a Very valuable opportunity. Learn to
adjust your likes and dislikes to those of others, learn the gentle
art of sacrifice and service-keep in mind, when you react angrily
against your mother-in-law, that a day will come When you too will
have daughters-in-law! Try to appreciate their points off, view; they
may have greater forethought, greater experience, greater sense of
responsibility; they may know more about people and things than you,
who are fresh entrants in their household.
The family of the husband which you enter with marriage is a good
training ground; it is a saadhana-kshethra (field of spiritual
practice). When you are found fault with, do not fly into a rage;
examine your own conduct and discover the faults in yourselves;
self-examination is the first step to self-improvement and peace. Do
not exaggerate the faults of others, but give them a wide margin and
see them as small; exaggerate yours, see them big and strive to remove
them fast. Take all faultfinders as your friends and well-wishers for
they give you warning-signals in time.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
3, Chapter 24 'Be Mahaaraanis'
Girl students
who may get married should serve their in-laws in such a way that the
good name of the institute is vindicated. The mother-in-law should be
proud of a well-educated daughter-in-law coming from the Sai
Institute. The good name you earn will rejoice Me.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
30, Chapter 31 'The Educational Crisis And The Way Out '
Love is in
everyone, but, because it is turned to selfish ends, it becomes
attachment. You should aspire to experience Dhaivi Prema (Divine
Love). In the modern world, youth should know the nature of true love.
Many from abroad, mix with persons of the opposite sex, calling them
boy friend and girl friend. If you really love each other you must get
married and not continue living as friends.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
30, Chapter 15 'Love God, Fear Sin, Guard Human Values'
Woman as Wife
Savitri fought with the God of Death (Yama) and
succeeded in getting her husband back to life. Can you find any
instance in the scriptures or history where a husband was prepared to
do sacrifice for his wife? If the wife is dead, he is ready to have a
second marriage. Such unfair things are happening in the world in
respect of women. That is why it was decided to celebrate not only
19th November but 19th of every month as Mahila Day.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 31, Chapter 14
'Glory Of Womanhood'
and Motherhood
Women are the mothers of the coming generation;
they are the teachers of that generation, during the first five years
of life. The mother is the first of the five Maathas (Mothers), that
the Indian child encounters: Dheha-maatha (the mother that gave birth
to this body); Go-maatha (the cow that gives sustaining milk);
Bhoo-maatha (the land that grows the crops which feed the body);
Dhesa-maatha (the Native country that gives protection, care, love,
rights and chances to serve and elevate oneself to one's full height),
and Vedha-maatha (the heritage of spiritual treasure that reveals the
aim and purpose of human life and takes one step by step, towards the
Goal of Self-realisation). The Dhehamaatha must reveal to the child
the glories of all the other four; so her responsibility is the
greatest and most crucial.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
8, Chapter 26 'The Five Mothers'
It is an
ancient practice in Bharat to relate to pregnant women stories about
heroes and saints so that the child in the womb may be influenced by
the vibrations produced by such sublime stories and the thoughts
produced in the mother. The ancient Rishis knew this truth. No wonder
that the children born under such conditions had noble nature and
heroic virtues. It was a common practice to relate stories of
exemplary children like Markandeya, Dhruva and Prahlada. They provided
the inspiration and ideals for the children of those days. What do we
find today? Pregnant women are engaged in seeing Television, Cinemas
and other deleterious media which play up crime and sex. The result is
the children who are born develop undesirable tendencies.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
18, Chapter 24 'Cultivation Of Love Is The Greatest Need'
More fragrant
than the sweet-smelling flowers
like the Jasmine and the Champak,
Softer than the cheese and the butter,
More beautiful than eye of the peacock,
More pleasant than the moonlight,
Is the love of the mother.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
32, Part 2 Chapter 13 'Importance of Mother's Grace'
Rama's divinity
blossomed under Kausalya's loving care;
Lava and Kusa could become powerful and famous
due to their noble and virtuous mother Sita,
The love and care of Jijabai made Shivaji a great warrior,
Fostered with the love of his mother Putlibai, Gandhi became a
Is there anyone in this world who can take care of you the way your
mother does? Amma (mother) is the first word that man picks up in
life. The first letter of the word 'Amma' also happens to be the first
letter of the alphabet.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
32, Part 1 Chapter 14 'Women Symbolize Sacrifice'
Only dedicated
mothers can offer to the nation children who will strive for a great
future for the country. Truth, sacrifice and peace are predominant
qualities in women. Women are concerned about the purity and welfare
of the community. … While the father's love was related to mundane
desires, the mother's love was related to spiritual concerns. It is
such broad-minded mothers who are needed today. Good mothers are more
essential than good wives. A good wife is of value only to her
husband. A good mother is a national asset.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
16, Chapter 24 'Honour The Mother'
and Spiritual Sadhana
Pray to God and
recite His Name or meditate on His Glory for some fixed period of time
everyday; you will find it amply rewarding. Don't say, "Let me have a
taste of the reward and then, I shall start the saadhana." Practise,
and the experience will follow, must follow.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
3, Chapter 24 'Be Mahaaraanis!'
Women must
realise the enormous power of the mind for good or evil and see that
its power is used only for doing good. The mind can make a person a
demon or Divine. The mind is under the control of the intellect. The
intellect is governed by the Aathma. Self-realisation will bring about
control over everything. The dire conditions prevailing in the world
are known to everyone. The root cause of all this is the failure of
people to realise their inherent divinity. Excessive desires, fuelled
by selfishness, are the cause of all troubles. The primary requisite
is confidence in one's self. Without that confidence, nothing can be
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 29, Chapter 50
'The Glory Of Bhaarath's Women'
and Seva
Women devotees, if they have the enthusiasm and
support, can start Mahila Sathsangs not only for Bhajans and study of
sacred texts and books, but for service of women. Go among the poor in
the slums and spread light and joy therein. Gather the helpless girls
and try to provide them with some means of honourable livelihood.
Sweeten their lives with bhajan and the Saadhana of japa and dhyaana.
Women too have a right to know that they are the Aaathma, encased in
human form, and they too can tap the strength, the joy and the peace
that the Aathma holds. Inculcate in them the prayer habit; that will
cleanse the mind of all impurities, and make God shine in His full
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 7, Chapter 47
'Spontaneous Service'
Let the girls
also know something of the joy that service to those in distress can
give, service without a thought of the benefits that may follow from
the sympathy shown. Let them learn to lay aside the egoism that
poisons the Seva of even veterans in the field, who go about extolling
themselves as founders and promoters, for the service of the poor and
the maimed, of this institution and that. The joy of the seva is the
act itself. The fruit of the seva is the removal of egoism, not its
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
1, Chapter 16 'Shikshana'
and Sai Organization
For much that
has been achieved by the Sai organisations, the credit goes to the
women workers. They have done good service. There should be all the
three wings in the women's section also - spiritual, educational and
service. I desire that they should engage themselves in all three
activities. In the women's organisations, instead of competition for
office, there should be concentration on duties. There should be no
room for bossism. All are sevaks in the Sai fold. Why should there be
distinction amongst them?
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
20, Chapter 30 'Peace Through Seva'
for Women
Boys when they get married after their
education, receive dowries at the time of marriage. This is very
wrong. It even amounts to a sin. A girl who has been brought up well
is offered to a young man in marriage. That itself is a great gift.
Why should one ask for money along with the bride? The parents of the
girl may give her whatever they choose. But the bridegroom should not
expect or accept anything. This is the attitude one should have
towards gifts from others. It is because many of these immemorial
injunctions have been given the go-by that today Bhaarath is
experiencing various troubles.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
29, Chapter 4 'Spiritual Basis Of Human Values'
Women are not
to be treated lightly. The Geetha says that women are endowed with
seven kinds of powers while men have only three. It is sinful to look
down upon women.
Consider, for instance, this fact. There are any number of women who
have tried to bring back their dead husbands or to venerate their
memory. How many men have done likewise for their wives? Many hasten
to acquire a second wife. In this respect, Bhaarath has been an
example to the world. Wherever women are honoured, there is prosperity
and happiness. Women should never be slighted or treated with
disrespect. A home in which the housewife sheds tears will be bereft
of all prosperity. This is the ancient conception of the role of women
in the home.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
29, Chapter 50 'The Glory Of Bhaarath's Women'
Desirable Qualities in Women
Modesty is essential for women; it is her
priceless jewel. It is against Dharma for a woman to overstep the
limits of modesty; crossing the limits brings about many calamities.
Why, the very glory of womanhood will be destroyed. Without modesty,
woman is devoid of beauty and culture. Humility, purity of thought and
manners, meekness, surrender to high ideals, sensitivity, sweetness of
temper -the peculiar blend of all these qualities is modesty. It is
the most invaluable of all jewels for women. The modest woman will
ever keep within limits, through her innate sense of propriety. She
becomes automatically aware which behaviour is proper and which is
improper. She will stick only to virtuous deeds and behaviour. … Of
course, the modest woman will not crave for honour or praise. Her
attention will always be on the limits which she would not transgress.
Honour and praise come to her unasked and unnoticed. The honey in the
flower or lotus does not crave for bees; they do not plead with the
bees to come. Since they have tasted the sweetness, they themselves
search for the flowers and rush in. They come because of the
attachment between themselves and sweetness. So, too, is the
relationship between the woman who knows the limits and the respect
she evokes.
Dharma Vahini, Chapter
I want each of
you to be a Mahaaraani (Queen) of your household. Mahaaraanis watch
the world from the inner apartments of the palace, through interstices
in the wall or enclosures; they can see, but they are safe from other
eyes. That is the highest sthree-dharma (Women's duty), as laid down
in the Shaasthras; you should not be seen or talked about; you must be
away from public gaze; you must be silent invisible partners,
inspirers and teachers. If you desire that others should honour you,
you should honour them too. If others must serve you, serve them
first; love begets love; trust engenders trust. Self-aggrandizement
and selfishness bring disaster in theirtrain. As a matter of fact, no
joy can equal the joy of serving others. Be like this timepiece; show
the correct time to all who desire to know, irrespective of the person
who comes for the information. It has no likes and dislikes.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
3, Chapter 24 'Be Mahaaraanis!'
As today is a
sacred day dedicated to women, they should change themselves and help
to change the men and the children. They should develop the qualities
of sympathy, compassion; love and sacrifice. Study the lives of our
great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and
sacrifice. I desire that you should take up the reins of leadership
and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol
28, Chapter 32 'When Women Are Honoured'