Who is Sai
I am the embodiment of Love
“I My Activities
You can observe Me and My activities…
“You can observe Me and My activities; note how I adhere to righteousness,
moral order, truth and universal compassion. That is what I desire you to
learn from Me. Many of you plead for a 'Message' from Me, to take to the
Samithi (Sai centre) of which you are members. Well, My life is My
message. You will be adhering to My message if you so live that your lives
are evidence of the dispassionate quiet, the courage, the confidence, the
eagerness to serve those who are in distress, that My life inspires you
- From Bhagawan’s Discourse on the occasion of
World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations,
in Mumbai, on 17th May, 1968.
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol.- VIII, Chapter-19. Page: 96-97
I need nothing…
“I need nothing, however great or small, in this Universe. At no moment
has desire affected me for any thing or activity. I have come to give, not
to receive. And, what you can offer Me is just this: pure, unadulterated
love. When you offer Me that, I derive Ananda.”
- Bhagawan Baba’s Discourse on 23rd Nov 1974, Prasanthi Nilayam.
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol. - XII, Chapter - 53. Page: 311
My activities are not for publicity
“My activities are not for publicity or propaganda or even to confer joy
on others! They are for conferring joy primarily on Me! I have no need to
please others and to earn approval or appreciation. For, I and you are not
distinct entities; you are I and I am you. I am the current that flows
into every bulb and illumines it. Those who see Me as separate are seeing
falsehood. I am in your hearts; you are in mine. Don't be misled into
doubt and distress.”
- Bhagawan Baba’s Discourse on 20th July 1972, Prasanthi Nilayam
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol. - XI, Chapter - 43. Page: 281-282
I do not need any publicity…
“I do not need any publicity, nor does any other manifestation of the
Lord. What are you daring to publicise? Me? What do you know about Me, I
ask you? You speak one thing about Me today and another tomorrow. Your
faith has not become unshakable! You praise Me when things go well and
blame Me when things go wrong. You flit from one refuge to another.
And even before your Bhakthi (devotion) ripens, you strive to lead others,
you collect donations and subscriptions and plan mandirs (temples) and
sangams (associations); all this is mere show, which brings spiritual
loss, rather than spiritual gain.
When you start publicity you descend to the level of those who compete in
collecting clientele, decrying others and extolling themselves. Where
money is calculated and garnered, and exhibited to demonstrate one's
achievements, I will not be present. I come only where sincerity, faith
and surrender are valued.”
- Bhagawan Baba’s Discourse on 15th Oct 1964, Prasanthi Nilayam
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol. - IV, Chapter - 35. Page: 210
My activities and movements will never be altered…
“My activities and movements will never be altered, whatever one may say
about them. Meanness may prompt people to remark on My dress or they may
talk cynically of My hair, but I shall not be affected a bit. My
discourses, My plans for Dharmasthaapana (establishment of righteousness),
My movements, I shall not alter in the least. I have stuck to this
determination for many years now and I am engaged in the task for which I
have come, to inculcate the path of Prasanthi (supreme peace). I shall not
stop, nor retract a single step…
Not even the greatest scientist can understand Me by means of the
categories to which he is accustomed. I always smile at those who deride
Me, and even those who praise Me. I am always full of happiness, whatever
may happen. Nothing can come in the way of My Smile. Derision and calumny
only tend to make it grow bigger and more joyful.”
- Bhagawan Baba’s Discourse on 30th Nov 1965, Prasanthi Nilayam
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol. - V, Chapter - 42. Page: 234-235
Who is Sai Baba - His Mission, Teachings & Writings
Blitz Interview
Avatar on Himself
Sai Saga
Important declaration
Shiva Shakthi
Sai Baba
Books By Sai Baba
Supernatural Acts Of Sai
Prema Sai
Sai Baba Quotes &
Letters from Sai Baba
Sathya Sai reveal facts
about Shirdi Sai
This series of dialogues
with Baba
Sai Human Values
Sarva dharma - Sai Baba Logo
Questions about
Sri Sathya SaiBaba
Divine Service
Conversations with Sai -1
Conversations with Sai -
Conversations with Sai -
Conversations with Sai -
Baba's conversations with
(Anil Kumar Satsang)

8th Dec.
Statement on current phase of Bhagavan's
life and mission by Justice P N Bhagavati & Sri Indulal Shah
Also read:
More text - Avatar on Himself
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