My power
Do not
exaggerate the significance of miracles
“You elaborate in your lectures the unique powers of Sai, the incidents
that are described as 'miracles' in books written on Me by some persons.
But I request you not to attach importance to these. Do not exaggerate
their significance; the most significant and important power is, let Me
tell you, My prema (love). I may turn the sky into earth, or earth into
sky; but that is not the sign of Divine might. It is the prema, the sahana
(fortitude) that are my unique signs. When you attempt to cultivate and
propagate this love and this fortitude, trouble and travail will clog your
steps. You must welcome them, for without them, the best in you cannot be
drawn out."
- From Bhagawan’s
Discourse on the occasion of
World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations,
in Mumbai, on 17th May, 1968.
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol.- VIII, Chapter-19. Page: 98
The power of Sai is
“The physical eyes cannot visualize the Truth. It gives only false and
fogged information. For example, there are many who observe My actions and
start declaring that My nature is such and such. They are unable to gauge
the sanctity, the majesty and the eternal reality that is Me. The power of
Sai is limitless and inexhaustible. All forms of 'power' are resident in
this palm.”
- Bhagawan’s Discourse on
19th June 1974 in Brindavan, Bangalore
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol.- XII, Chapter - 38. Page: 226
Always be mindful of My true
“People may be very near (physically) to the Avatar, but they live out
their lives unaware of their fortune; they exaggerate the role of
miracles, which are as trivial, when compared to My glory and majesty, as
a mosquito is in size and strength to the elephant upon which it squats.
Therefore, when you speak about these miracles, I laugh within myself out
of pity that you allow yourself so easily to lose the precious awareness
of my reality..."
- Bhagawan’s Discourse on
19th June 1974 in Brindavan, Bangalore
Reference: "Sathya Sai Speaks", Vol. - XII, Chapter - 38. Page: 227

8th Dec.
Statement on current phase of Bhagavan's
life and mission by Justice P N Bhagavati & Sri Indulal Shah Who is Sai Baba - His Mission, Teachings & Writings
Blitz Interview
Avatar on Himself
Sai Saga
Important declaration
Shiva Shakthi
Sai Baba
Books By Sai Baba
Supernatural Acts Of Sai
Prema Sai
Sai Baba Quotes &
Letters from Sai Baba
Sathya Sai reveal facts
about Shirdi Sai
This series of dialogues
with Baba
Sai Human Values
Sarva dharma - Sai Baba Logo
Questions about
Sri Sathya SaiBaba
Divine Service
Conversations with Sai -1
Conversations with Sai -
Conversations with Sai -
Conversations with Sai -
Baba's conversations with
(Anil Kumar Satsang)
Also read:
More text - Avatar on Himself
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