wall paper index page
Sai Baba wallpapers - "sailence"

800x600 (animated)
1024X768 (animated)
How to use the above picture as
animated desktop wallpaper
Click on the image you've
chosen, let it open/load completely on the screen. Right click on the
image and a menu will pop up. Choose "Set as Wallpaper" or "Set
Background" and the image will be set as your
wallpaper/ converted to bitmap format (.BMP) and
placed in your windows directory.
640x480 plus higher screen resolutions users can fit these wallpapers for
desktop use with minor adjustments.
More Help How to use the
Images as wallpapers
Click here to
go back to main
wallpaper index
page and
see the whole selection of wallpapers
/Desktop backgrounds in each category
New wallpapers added frequently!
wallpapers are for personal use on computer screens only. They
may not be redistributed, offered for sale, included on CDs, or used for
printed material.
Check your
screen size
Try using active desktop's web
capabilities, for an animated desktop like this:
1. Right click on your desktop and select "properties", then select
the "desktop" tab.
2. Click on "Customize Desktop".
3. Select the "Web" tab and click on "New..."
4. Browse for your favorite image ( save the above picture in one of
your picture folder) and click OK when you are done.
5. Make sure "Lock desktop items" is uncheck.
6. Click OK, and OK again.
7. Now your image is like another window. Drag it to where you want
and then right clik over it.
8. Select "arrange icons by" and the check "Lock Web Items on
9. That's it. Now you have a "low memory usage wallpaper".