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Truth of a Prophecy Muslims around the world believe the advent of a great leader and guide, known as Hazrat Mehdi. Amidst turbulent times engulfed by materialism, when religious practices take a beating in pursuit of greedy materialism, Prof. (Mrs.) Zeba Bashiruddin attempts to decipher the prophecies with the Advent of Her Master, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, November 1990. O Mankind; there hath come To you a direction from your Lord And a healing for (the Disease) In your hearts, and for those Who believe, a Guidance And a Mercy. (The Quran: X‑57) This magnificent utterance not only relates to the immediate context in which it was said, but refers to a situation that may arise at anytime. Its wisdom, like all scriptural knowledge, comprehends infinity. It is with these thoughts that the writer of this article ventures to put in black and white that which the soul has received as a gift of Truth. When over a decade ago doubts assailed the mind, this author was led to the Fountain of Truth and the injunction reverberated clearly “You do not even know your own religion, how can you know ME?” With these words Baba guided me to an intense study of Sufism, the holy Quran and Islam. Therefore, what is conveyed through these words is undoubtedly His gift. It has come, like all other lessons in spirituality, in the form of a book. Later it has been checked and verified through inquiry from centres of Islamic Studies. Muslims all over the world believe in the advent of a great leader and a guide. They all know him as Mehdi (Master). The Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad, has indicated that Hazrat Mehdi will appear for the welfare of Muslims in the last decades of the fourteenth century Hijri (this century has just ended). It will be a time of trouble and materialism. The Quranic values and their practice will be ignored, and men’s hearts will turn to the worship of the world and its glamour, “the other Gods” of Quranic language. The prophecy goes on to postulate that Hazrat Mehdi will restore the Truth and “Islam” will be the religion of the entire world. The Prophecy The signs regarding the time and the person of Hazrat Mehdi, more than 150 in number, were related by the holy Prophet to Hazrat Ali, the fourth Khalif and repository of Sufi secrets. These signs became a guarded treasure of the Imams, descendants of Hazrat Ali, and formed a part of the Shi’a tradition of the prophetic sayings. In the 17th century A.D., the well known scholar, Md. Baqir bin Md. Taqi‑Al Majlisi‑Al Isfahani (1627‑1698) collected them in his voluminous book, Bihar‑ul‑Anwar, written in Arabic. The two Persian translations that contained the Prophetic sayings about Hazrat Mehdi are Khas‑ul‑Anwar and Bihar‑ul‑Anwar (part Dwazdhum). A few of these selected sayings of the Prophet of Islam are listed here. It is left to the reader to recognise who the great Master is as seen by the holy Prophet in a vision, and described by him fourteen hundred years ago. The Master, commonly known as Hazrat Mehdi, will be seen by those who will search for Him. (page 240) (All subsequent references in this article are to the Persian translation of Bihar‑ul‑Anwar). Imam Mohammad Baqir suggests that only “those who know the real meaning of `I’ will believe in Hazrat Mehdi.” The holy Prophet called Him as “Abu Abdullah”, (Father of the seekers of God). Much has been said about the name Father of Humanity in Bihar‑ul-Anwar. He is also addressed as Saheb‑Asr (Master of Time), Walli‑Allah (Friend of God), Khalifat‑ullah (God’s Vicegerent), “for surely He will follow the code of Moses, Joseph, Jesus and Mohammad.” (page 330). The Insignia of Hazrat Mehdi Other signs as stated in Mohammad Baqir’s work are: Many Mohammedans will not know about His advent for a long time. That Holy Spirit will wear two garments, one inner and the other outer (p. 239). The Robe, Orange in colour, will be of such a shape that the contours of His back will be seen clearly (p. 292, 777). His dress, Orange in colour, will spread Light among the people (p. 145). His dress will be of Light (229). His hair, thick and dark, will reach His shoulders (25). His eyebrows are joined in the centre (242). His other features are: Broad and clear forehead (263). Straight nose with a dip in the beginning; a mole on the cheek, reminding of Hazrat Moss, bright as a star; teeth with a parting in the two front ones (243); Black eyes (777); Average height, compared with the Jewish height (239). The colour of the face is described variously as shining like a gold‑bronze coin; so bright that it is impossible to recognize the real colour (263‑293). The general impression: full of compassion, dignified, exalted (239). Attributes and Qualities His attitude to everyone will be brotherly, as if He knows them well (314). He will love all Prophets and Saints; and whatever He wants will be done. He will overcome all opposition (242). His devotees will find protection (342). People will find Him heavenly bliss personified (341). He will be a shelter for the helpless and the rejected (235). He will distribute A’b‑e‑Tuhur Kausr (spirituality) to people in the morning and evening (343). (The reference is to Baba’s daily Darshans.) Divine Light will be manifested from Him (252). He will not bring a new religion (6). (Baba has stressed often that He is not preaching a new religion.) All knowledge and essence of all religions will bloom in His heart like a new garden (238). He will fill the earth with peace. He will be a friend and an adviser (287). He will show the Straight Path (352). The world scenario The world situation is summed up in a number of striking images, describing aptly the situation at present. The majority of mankind will be like animals, devoid of discrimination (349). Evil, bad habits will be common order of the day. There will be earthquakes and men will die without any reason. They will consider His advent as a sport and a rumour but it will be the Truth. (909‑ Hazrat Imam Gazali). Hazrat Mehdi will free people from slavery, remove the lies from their minds, (287); destroy satans and cure insanity (329). Around the place where He will live signs of prosperity will be visible in heaven and on earth (294). Men will crowd like clouds where He will live and fall like rains (389). He will not live in Mecca (240); His reign will begin from the east and His banner will go round the world (306). (Not only mankind but) Angels will be with Him (274). He will have the collective wisdom of all Prophets (115). The Prophet of Islam then, turning to the invisible crowds to come in the future, addressed: “O, ye Muslims, know this that He Whose birth is hidden from you is your Master. HE IS MEHDI.” (292) To this writer these words undoubtedly revealed the Truth that Sathya Sai Baba is none other than Hazrat Mehdi. It requires faith to accept Truth and indeed Allah shows a Straight Path to those whom He wants for He is all‑knowing and wise. II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II |