Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today |
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8th September
2008 For establishing oneself in the contemplation of the omnipresent Lord, there are no limitations of time and place. There is nothing like a holy place or auspicious time for this. Wherever the mind revels in the contemplation of the Divine, that is the holy place. Whenever it does so, that is the auspicious moment. - BABA |
7th September
2008 People say that the service to man is the service to God, that Manava Seva is Madhava Seva. This is true. However, even though the service of humanity is holy, unless it is merged in the higher ideal, men will not benefit, however much the service undertaken. Whatever is done with the Lord in mind, along the path of truth and righteousness, alone can be considered to be service of the Lord. Whatever service is done for gaining name and fame, and for enjoying the fruits thereof, cannot be referred to as service of God. - BABA |
September 2008 Like the wind that covers everything with dust, desires and attachments cloud the mind. They have to be kept away so that the splendour of the self might merge in the splendour of the Higher self, the Paramatman (God). The process of purifying the consciousness of man in the crucible of single-pointed thought, speech, feeling and activity directed towards God, will rid him of all blemishes and defects. When the inner consciousness has been rendered pure and unsullied, God will reside therein. Then man will experience the vision of God within him. - BABA |
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