Eye witness
account from New Delhi
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Photos & Update from
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Delhi visit

Eye witness
account from New Delhi
Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Sai Darshan - Day
1 |
"Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,
Sai greetings from Delhi. All these years, when ever Swami went
away, I used to bid Him farewell from Parthi but this time, under
miraculous conditions, I ended up going to Delhi, 7 hours before
Swami's arrival, to receive Him to Delhi.
It is my first visit to the capital city of India. Delhi, like any
other city is quite busy. Being the capital city, one would find
lots of happening in the streets. Delhi which has a great historic
past, has seen lots of ups and downs like any of us. Delhi has given
shelter to great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru etc.. you name them,
they would have some thing or other in common with Delhi.
This April Delhi was blessed with the divine visit of our beloved
Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who out of immense grace and
compassion answered the prayers of His beloved devotees.
Swami is visiting Delhi after 11 years and there was quite obvious
curiosity in the public about His visit. Swami was scheduled to stay
in Sri Sathya Sai International center in Lodhi Road. The venue was
beautifully decorated. Right from morning there were thousands
waiting in the queue. The security personnel were seen lined up and
keeping a close vigil over the surroundings and more alert were our
The darshan place within the compound of Sathya Sai International
Center was beautifully decorated with various flowers. Beautiful
carpets were put and the devotees only with the pass were allowed to
get in the compound which had a seating capacity of about 3000
Anxiety mount up as the arrival time of our beloved Lord was getting
closer and closer. Swami this time took a Kingfisher flight from
Parthi airport and the flight carrying the bhajan boys, some
selected (blessed) devotees landed in Delhi at about 4:45pm and by
the time Swami came into the venue it was 5:45pm.
Before Swami's arrival bhajans started at 5pm and out side the hall
a band was ready and also balvikas children were lined up to welcome
Swami. Swami received a grand welcome as the band was played and the
children chanted Vedas.
Swami, after alighting from His car, directly went to His room and
after five minutes came out to bless His chosen one with His divine
darshan. When Swami entered the premises, Swagatam Suswagatam song
was sung, thanking Swami for His visit and making this place holier.
Every one who were thrilled to see Swami in their home town and
almost every one there in the crowd were shedding tears of joy after
seeing our Lord, which is always a treat to the eyes..
After listening to the song for about 10 minutes Swami asked for
arathi. While the samastha loka prayer was chanted, Swami raised
both His hands to bless the gathering. While chanting Shanthi,
Shanthi Shanthi, Swami pressed His hand down for every Shanthi and
that was treat to the eyes.
Swami will be giving public darshans upto 14th April excluding the
11th in Dwaraka at about 3 pm.
Swami is scheduled to go to North Indian KODAI, Shimla to inaugurate
a beautiful "Sai temple" -
Vilas (photo attached
which is eagerly waiting for
the divine energy to be instilled. Not sure how long Swami will be
staying there in Shimla.
From tomorrow, Swami will be having a busy schedule as scores of top
political leaders are expected to have His darshan.
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,..." submitted to
top |
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Photos & Update from
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Delhi visit
Eye witness
account from New Delhi - Day 2
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family
The second day of Swami's Delhi visit was completely divine yet
another beautiful day. Swami showered grace in abundance on all of
us and the Delhi people were deeply touched by His kind gesture.
The morning darshan was in Lodhi Road, Sri Sathya Sai International
center. All the 3000 plus devotees were seated in the little darshan
area by 7am.The whole area is very well put up. Delhi is boiling hot
now and there was a cloth roofing in the darshan area. There were
also fans put up which was very nice.
After about 30 minutes of Veda chanting, the bhajans started at 9am.
Ladies and gents were singing bhajans in turns and the whole
atmosphere was fully charged and all eyes glued to the entrance of
Swami's Delhi Abode.
Swami's abode is right next to the darshan hall and we feel as if
we are almost THERE when you are seated in darshan here in Delhi.
Words are not enough to appreciate the hard work put in by the Delhi
Sathya Sai Organisation and especially Mr. Cheema who has been
working tirelessly for the success of this trip.
Swami's trip to a place is not a small thing. There need to be
very very apt co-ordination between many things be it the local
government, police, municipal authorities etc. People who have
worked under the direct supervision know how APT and accurate one
has to be when it comes to Swami.
Swami blessed the gathering at about 10:45am. Swami came out in His
car chair and went the little dais. Swami was seated on the dais for
about 15 minutes after which arathi was given to Swami and Swami
then blessed the Prasad for distribution.
Swami then moved to the adjacent building in the compound. Little
school children had a small dance programme with theme Unity
and after 30 minutes or so Swami retired to His abode after granting
padanamaskars, blessing to some devotees. Swami's Delhi darshans
are not like Prasanthi, Kodai or whitefield where in He moves among
the devotees. Here in Delhi, AS OF NOW He is just coming on to the
dais and on the way to the dais, some devotees are getting chance
for sparshan and sambhashan to others it is only darshan which
itself is a rare privilege.
In the morning, Sri.S.K.Birla, Sri.Sunil Mittal, the CEO of AIRTEL
took Swami's blessings.
Evening Darshan:
The whole of Delhi was looking forward to evening darshan as it was
open for general public. The DDA grounds where the evening darshan
was scheduled, attracted lots of crowd. The ground is almost one and
half size of our hill view stadium in Parthi. There was a huge dais
put up for Swami.
The crowd were let in after 2pm. There were at least 500 to 600
sevadals on duty along with hundreds of police. As it was in the mid
day, the sun was showing His power. It was very very hot. The Delhi
Sai organization has done its best to make every one happy. Green
carpet was put up and all the devotees were asked to sit on the
ground. The top of the seating area was covered and that saved us
from perspiring. There were large table fans put up and sevadals
were running with 200 ml water packets quenching the thirst of
The gathering would have been some where close to 75000 devotees,
men and women, children and old. Before Swami's arrival, bhajans
were sung. In between the bhajans there were so many announcements
about missing children, family members etc. There were about 10 fire
engines ready in case of any mis-happening. A large team of doctors
and paramedical were also ready to help the devotees. The atmosphere
was completely charged up. Being in Parthi, I many times take
darshan for granted. After seeing these thousands to just have a
glimpse of our Bhagawan, I felt very touched.
The stage as I said was huge. The stage was made of maroon cloth on
the outer side and on the inside there was a huge symbol of bright
shining sun.
Swami arrived at the venue at 6pm from behind the stage. There were
huge screens put up for live video darshan and it was just amazing.
As soon as Swami came on to the dais, Swagatam song was sung and
after wards Swami was wheeled down the dais. We all were thinking
that Swami would come in between the devotees but Swami was actually
making way for a beautiful play to start. Swami sat in a position
where in He was facing more towards the stage (drama) and a tiny bit
towards the devotees.
A beautiful play by tiny tots was enacted. The play was based on
human values, respect for elders and more importantly wise usage of
The story revolved around a grand ma and her little grand son Gautam
whose parents died in an accident. Grand ma is a tailor and inspite
of her old age and unable to walk she stitches clothes to make her
living and also give education to her grand son. One day all the
school children decide to go to fair. Poor Gautam didn't have any
money. Grand ma after much difficulty manages to give 40 rupees to
the child. After the child goes to the fair, he sees all the
attractions there. Sweets, circus, balloons,magic show, ice creams
etc. He also sees other children buying toys, sweets etc. His
friends laugh at him and call him a miser for not spending money.
poor Gautam bears all the evil talk and finally he comes to a shop
where the shopkeeper is selling walking stick. He goes upto the shop
keeper and asks for the price of the best walking stick and the shop
keeper says 120 rupees. Gautam is surprised and says 120 rupees is
too much. The shop keeper then says ok I will give for 100 rupees
and that is the last price. Poor Gautam starts thinking now.He takes
40 rupees from his pocket and gives it to the shopkeeper. The
shopkeeper initially says no but later on realizes the noble
intention behind it and gives sells the same for 40 rupees.
Happily he goes home and grandma asks Gautam as what he ate, where
he played, what he saw etc . and when Gautam shows the walking
stick, grandma is very touched. She replies if all the grand
children have this love and sacrifice there won’t be any elderly
people in tears.
The whole drama was fantastic, with nice light effects, the music
was excellent. Needless to say the grand ma and Gautam characters
were highlight of the show. Swami was very touched by their acting.
The fair reminded of Swami's story in His childhood where in He
was in a similar situation.
Swami then went upto the children, who were about 150 of them with
dancers, support artists etc and blessed them with a group
It was 7pm by then and Swami left for His Delhi Abode in Sri Sathya
Sai International Center thus ending yet another beautiful day and
the devotees were thrilled to see our beloved Lord in their own
With pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,..."submitted to
top |
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Photos & Update from
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Delhi visit

Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Day 3
11th April 2010 DELHI DAY 3 Darshan Update
"Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,
As Swami is giving beautiful and blissful darshans making every one
feel light and cool, the temperature outside is very very hot. Heat
waves are blowing in North India and yesterday Delhi witnessed
temperature of 43 degrees. For some time I felt Parthi is far better
even in temperature point of view.
Being Sunday April 11th, the crowd was very huge. Many non-pass
holders made unsuccessful attempts to get into the premises of Sri
Sathya Sai International Center, where Swami is giving darshans in
the morning, but in vain.
The hall was packed by 7:30am half hour after opening the darshan
gates. The floral decorations were mesmerizing. The hard work of
sevadals was clearly visible in the form of most beautiful
decorations and arrangements.
The Veda chanting started at 8:30am for half hour and then bhajans
commenced. Mr.Sinha, the former finance minister was present for
this morning's darshan. Mr.(retd chief Justice of supreme court)
Bhagawathi was also present along with other dignitaries.
Every one were eagerly waiting for Swami's arrival down stairs.
Swami out of His immense grace and love blessed us with His divine
darshan at 10:55 am. Clad in His usual orange robe, seated on the
golden colour car chair, Swami came to the darshan area. His face
was glowing, infact more beautiful than the rising sun. what a great
fortune. Two eyes are not enough to see our beautiful Lord. Every
time I have Swami's darshan, I always think, I should have His
beautiful form in my mind INTACT, but after He goes, I just forget
that beautiful form.
When Swami comes out, we are in a fix as what to see. Should we see
His beautiful smile, should we see His beautiful hair, Holy feet or
for that matter even His beautiful car chair. At the end we forget
as what to see or as what we saw.
This morning Swami came out for darshan at 10:45am, a cool breeze
blew very softly. His beautiful hair started dancing. Very slowly
Swami adjusts His hair. He does that in a very royal way. Looking at
the devotees, He gives a sweet smile. Justice Bhagawathi was seated
on a chair. Swami very sweetly smiles at Him and holds His hands as
a symbol of love. It was beautiful scene. Swami identifies His
devotees where ever you are no matter how crowded that place might
be. Swami likes His devotees. He will never make them unhappy. After
all it is only to make us, the devotees, happy He has come all the
way to Delhi .
Swami accepts letters from devotees. The car chair slowly moves in
the slightly elevated narrow path which heads towards the dais.
Swami, for the first time, making everyone of us happy, came down
the dais, to move amongst His devotees. How loving. Every one were
taken back by this sudden decision by Swami. Everyone started to get
more and more anxious. Swami looks at every one. Those looks were so
soothing and full of love. When you see Swami, He is never in a
hurry. He always asks us to avoid hurry, worry and curry. Very
gently, Swami's car chair moved amongst devotees. Every one were
in tears. Those living in Delhi and couldn't make it to Parthi for
darshan were much more happy. Those tears of joy were very clearly
visible. Swami's SAILENCE itself makes a big statement, the
message is passed, the prayer is answered.
Like the great saint Ramana Maharshi, in the recent past Swami is
becoming more and more silent. This is only to take us IN. To look
into our inner self. To see the Swami who is very much in us.
After taking a full round, Swami came on to the dais. He was in the
dais for about 25 minutes and arathi was given to Swami at 11:30am.
On His way back to His abode, Swami again blessed devotees who were
seated by His abode. A great morning spent in the company of our
beloved Lord.
In the evening Swami blessed us with an early darshan. Swami came at
4:30pm and spent more than 30 minutes on the dais. Swami was
scheduled to attend a private meeting with dignitaries in Malvankar
hall near the Indian Parliament.
Swami's convoy left for the venue at about 5pm. Even while getting
into the car, Swami granted darshan to devotees. Sevadals especially
had a beautiful darshan as Swami's car was parked behind the dais.
Swami smiled at them, a symbol of appreciation for all the hard work
they have put in and for making His stay (more importantly His
devotees stay) comfortable.
I was told that Mr. Sunil Mittal, CEO of Airtel and Prof.Venkatraman
gave a talk in Malvankar Hall and later Swami stopped by Kulwanth
Rais house before coming back to Sri Sathya Sai International
Center at about 8pm
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,..."
submitted to
SBOI-Group |
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Photos & Update from
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Delhi visit
Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Day
4 |
"The fourth day of Swami's Delhi trip was a
busy one for Swami. Swami blessed the august gathering assembled in
Sri Sathya Sai International center around 10:20am. There were
murmurs among the devotees that Swami is going out for another
meeting after the morning darshan.
Before Swami came out for darshan, Sri.Sushil Kumar Shinde, the
union power minister, a powerful leader from the state of
Maharashtra took Swami's blessings in the verandah of International
center. Swami after blessing him came out to bless the august
As bhajans were sung, Swami came on to the dais and after listening
the bhajans for about 30 minutes, arathi was given and Swami
directly went upto His car and left for the famous Lotus temple.
There were reports that Swami visited Retd. Justice Bhagawathi's
house and Swami and the group of students and officials had lunch at
Justice Bhagawathi's house and Swami returned to His abode in Sri
Sathya Sai International Center at 2:30pm.
A public darshan was scheduled in DDA grounds in Dwaraka. Many
people were already started assembling by the venue and at about 3pm
message was passed to inform all the devotees that the afternoon
darshan was cancelled. Every thing has to happen according to His
will and probably it was not meant to be have His darshan in DDA
Thus ended the fourth day of Swami's stay in Delhi
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,..." submitted to SBOI-Group
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Photos & Update from
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Delhi visit
Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Day 5
"Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,
The fifth day of Swami's Delhi also coincided with Baisakhi
festival. Today morning about 1000 poor people were selected for
Swami's blessings. There was a Narayana Seva that was scheduled
this morning. All the Narayanas were let in through separate
gate. Men and women were seated on either side along with other
This morning also witnessed a bee line of politicians. At 9am
Sri.Shivaraj Patel, a long time devotee of Swami also former
Minister of Home Affairs came to Sri Sathya Sai International
Center. Later Sri.Praful Patel, Minister of civil Aviation followed
him. Bhajan singer Suresh wadekar was also seen along with ministers
from Andhra Pradesh, Mrs.Geetha Reddy and Marri Sasidhar Reddy.
The hall was packed very soon this morning. As the days are passing
by the number of devotees is also increasing.
The veda chanting started at 8:30am until 9:15am. The bhajans were
going on. It was 10am, 10:30 and in no time it was 11am. Every one
were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our beloved Lord. The bhajan
singers started to plead Swami to bless with divine darshan,through
their bhajans like Aavo aavo Sai Hamare. They even sang the bhajan
Aana hi padega Baba aana hi padega (Baba you have to come and give
us darshan) Shirdi se aavo ya Parthi se aavo (no matter you come
from Shirdi or Parthi) Mathura se aavao ya ayodhya se aavo (no
matter you come from Mathura or Ayodhya),Mecca se aavo ya madina se
aavo (You may come from Mecca or Madina). Every one were singing
this song full throated as many of us had the doubt, what if darshan
is cancelled this morning.
At 11:45 the most auspicious moment of this morning arrived and here
was our beautiful Lord coming out to dip us in the ocean of bliss,
to take us to Sai paradisewhere it is all smiles and smiles. Sri.Shivaraj Patil and Sri.Praful Patel took
Swami's blessings and
Swami moved on to the dais.
All the beneficiaries of today's Narayana Seva were eagerly
waiting for this momentous moment. After seeing Swami their
happiness knew no bounds. For many of them it was their first
darshan. Due to poverty they hadn't been to Parthi but they were
very much in Sai Fold. Swami knew their situation. Swami answered
their prayers, by making a physical visit to Delhi. Every one in the
hall were praying to Swami to come down the dais like yesterday.
Every one of us want to have close darshan of Swami and our
omniscient Lord, very kindly came down the dais. While Sevadals were
distributing the gifts, Swami went close to the devotees and blessed
them. Every one were amazed to see Swami from so close. Swami was
equally happy to see them happy. As Swami always says, Your
happiness is My happiness. How true that statement was.
After a full round darshan Swami came on to the dais and arathi was
given to Swami at 12:35. Swami directly went upto His car and drove
to a devotees house to bless the family.
Yesterday (12 april) evening Swami visited the forgotten prime
minister of yester years, Veteran Sri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Sri
Vajpayee , is an ardent devotee of Swami and has come to Bhagawan
many times during his prime ministerial tenure. Every one would
remember his gracious presence during the opening of Super specialty
hospital in Bangalore and if I am right he even came for the first
anniversary of the hospital.
Mr.Vajpayee whose health is in a bad condition now, according to the
reports was thrilled to see Swami. Any one in his place would be
very touched to have Lord of the Lords visiting you when you are bed
ridden. Blessed is Sri. Vajpayee by Bhagawan and his life is
sanctified and all his struggle and sacrifice has bore the fruit by
the divine visit..
The evening darshan is scheduled in Dwaraka and tomorrow (the 14
april) Swami is expected to visit Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar School
, Kalkagi area at 10:30 am.
With pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,..." submitted to
Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Day 6 |
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,
The day 6th of Swami's Delhi visit is also the last day officially
even though He will still grant darshan to Delhites on 15th morning
before He takes the flight to Shimla.
Day 6, had Mr.L.K.Advani and family along with Nazma heptullah
waiting for darshan. Being the last day, every one made sure they
were THERE to have darshan of Swami as no one were sure as when He
is going to come back physically to Delhi.
Swami blessed the gathering with His divine darshan at 10:15am.
Swami's car chair moved very slowly today, blessing every one with
His abhaya hasta and smiling at every one. After staying on stage
for about 15 minutes Arathi was offered to Swami and Swami as
scheduled left for Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, a beautiful all
girls, school run by the Delhi Sai devotees.
The school is situated in Kalka Ji area. Swami's convoy left at
10:30 from Lodhi Road. Starting from a beautiful posh area with neat
roads, the convoy entered into a very DIFFERENT Delhi where the
roads were shabby. The area seemed to be a locality of lower middle
class families and the infrastructure sounded poorer than our next
door Bukkapatnam town near Parthi. The convoy passed through under
construction roads, wine shops, non-vegetarian food counters and
then from no where this beautiful building is appears. The first
sight of this beautiful school takes you to Parthi. The paintings on
the walls and the shape of the school resembled that of Swamis
school buildings and there was a pyramid shape roof with a Lotus on
the top.
Just as Lotus blossoms in dirty water but is untouched with the
surroundings, this school is Mattilo Manikyam as they say in telugu.
Beautiful arrangements were made for every one. Two large screens
were put up and the girls of this Sai School were very very
disciplined and the teachers were very vigilant on every child.
Swami's seat was arranged right in the middle of the ground facing
the dais. A beautiful drama, based on the life of Swami was enacted
by the little girls.
Back home in Andhra Pradesh, in the recent past it has become a new
trend, for telugu speaking people to use some English words here and
there even though it is not necessary and many times it is to SHOW
OFF that they know English. This beautiful drama which was in
English had few telugu words here and there which was so sweet to
listen. The drama started with the birth of little Sathya and the
leelas He did in His childhood. The most famous incident that
happened, when little Sathya was asked to circumambulate around the
Hanuman statue and the way Hanuman Himself appeared and apologized
Swami was enacted very well.
Another incident of the British officer who hunts down a tiger was
also beautifully done. The jeep in which he was travelling was shown
and it seemed as though it was a real jeep.
In between there was bangra dance which depicted all the service
activities taken up by Swami.
The whole play was fantastic and Swami enjoyed every bit of it.
Around 12:10 arathi was offered to Swami after which Swami went to
the school building and all the children had beautiful darshan there
inside the main building. Swami spent about 30 minutes with them and
after quick lunch left for a devotees's house.
Yesterday evening itself it was announced that darshan in Dwaraka
grounds is cancelled. Swami blessed all of us with His divine
darshan at 7:15pm in Sri Sathya Sai International Center. Like in
the morning, Swami looked at each and every one assembled there.
Delhi darshans have been beautiful. Very close and one to one. Swami
went on to the dais and later preferred to go to the devotees
assembled there. Swami took a full round of the hall. Even people
seated in the last line had close darshan and when Swami came so
close the devotees happiness knew no bounds. Every body were crying
and they were crying loudly for their beloved Sai Ma. It was very
touching to see the Creator and Creation share this kind of bond.
Swami accepted maximum letters and looked at every one smiling.
As it was the last day, devotees were very very happy and Swami made
their day worthwhile.
At about 8pm Swami went back to His abode after arathi, for the day
thus ending yet another beautiful day.
Students who accompanied Swami have left by bus to
and Swami and about 15 devotees would be flying to the hill station
around 11:30 am tomorrow the 15th April, 2010.
According to the reports, Swami will be flying back to Delhi from
Shimla on
17 afternoon. Delhi tes will have one darshan on the 17th evening
and one more on 18th April (Swami willing) after which Swami will be
leaving to His (bodys) HOME TOWN, Puttaparthi which according to some
friends, is getting BIT restless because of His absence.
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord, submitted to SBOI-Group
Eye witness account from New
Delhi - Day
7 |
Om Sairam dearest Sai family,
15th April 2010 was unofficially the 7th day of Swami's stay in New
Delhi. All arrangements were made for Swami's departure to Shimla.
This morning, only sevadals were allowed for darshan. They were
about 2500 of them. Many sevadals came from far off places like
Rajastan, Bihar, maharastra etc and I was speaking to the District
President of Bhilwara, Rajasthan, Mr.R.K.Modi who came with largest
number of sevadals from an area. He was saying that some sevadals
who are with the group were very very poor. They had no money even
to eat 2 meals a day. In spite of all the life's adverse TESTS, out
of love for Swami they have come all the way to serve Him and not
worried if they will get to see Him or not. What can be said about
such devotion? The pinnacle, acme of devotion. There were many
sevadals who were assigned duties at a place where they had no
chance to have Swami's darshan.
For those humble souls, Swami's exclusive evadal darshan was a
welcome gesture. After all they are also devotees like us who have
the urge to have darshan of our Lord. This morning, Swami blessed
the Sri Sathya Sai International center darshan hall with His divine
darshan at 9:15 am.
Just 30 minutes before Swami's arrival for darshan, Prof.Anil Kumar
and party left for Delhi Airport. Only Sri.Srinivasan was left with
Swami and Swami went on to the dais and sat there looking and
appreciating the hard work put up by sevadal brothers and sisters.
After about 3 bhajans Arathi was offered to Swami and immediately
after Arathi, Swami got into His Toyota Estima to head towards the
Delhi airport. Even while getting into the car, Swami raised His
abhaya hasta to sevadal brothers and Delhi police, who were on duty
by the main gate. Every one were so thrilled to see Swami so close
and very rarely one would get a chance to see Swami while He gets
into the car. While the car chair was taking Him in, Swami very
slowly gazed at every one of us. Though there were about 200 people
around the car, there was pin drop silence. Every one were immersed
completely in the beautiful Form. Every one were praying for the car
chair to become standstill at least for few seconds so that they
would have more darshan of our Lord.
There was one sevadal brother with rose and Swami blessed him by
touching the flower. There was one more brother with another rose
and Swami blessed him as well. Swami was holding about 3 or 4
vibhuthi packets in His hand and one of the brothers got one packet
while Swami's car chair was slowly getting into the car.
Swami signaled SriSrinivasan to get into the front seat next to the
driver. The signal was so minute, just a slight move of eyelid and
the most experienced Sri Srinivasan received the divine command and
the door slowly closed. Every one were so happy on this holy sight.
It was just magnificent, un believable, matchless and DIVINE.
Swami's convoy headed towards the airport which is 20 minutes drive
from Lodhi road. This evening THIS BODY would be heading back to
Thank you Swami for letting me immerse in the ANANDA SAGARA FOR SIX
DAYS. These days were the most memorable days with Swami. The
darshans were beautiful. Swami is very kind.. THANK YOU MY LORD..
Special appreciation goes to Sri.Cheema and Group for the excellent
arrangements they made for Swami and His devotees. This was a
perfect TEAM WORK. Only Swami can make this happen. There was zero
error in all aspects. The devotees were very well taken care. The
sevadals were very understanding , kind and most importantly smiling
all the way.
Above all Swami was so kind to grant darshan at various venues.
Visit His beloved ones homes. Even though there was no divine
discourse delivered any where, the MESSAGE was passed to every one.
Swami's message of LOVE and SERVICE is going to be more rigorous
from now on. Very soon the BIG CHANGE is going to happen and Swami
will be the happy MOTHER seeing Her children leading the path that
She had shown..
We love You Swami.. Hoping to see You soon in Parthi
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,...submitted
SBOI-Group |
by Satish Naik
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