SAIRAM dear members of our
SAI family
Today Monday the 5th of June, is a working day
here in India.
The climate is pretty cool and windy and as we
reach the ashram, the time is around
6:30am the ashram gate is open but not much crowd
of devotees are seen today.
As we enter the ashram we can feel the fresh
scent of flowers of the decorated Saraswati idol
and there is a soft breeze blowing in the ashram.
The sevadal are busy swiping the darshan hall and the Krishna idol on stage is
being decorated with flowers, otherwise there is not much extra decoration
inside the ashram.
We are let into the hall and manage to get a good
at 7:30am boy students rush inside and sit in
their places in front,
soon SAI GAYATHRI chanting begins, till 8am when
the hall is silent,
but ................still no sign of SWAMI coming
on stage,
as we turn back we can see SAI RAMESH hall is
full and all are eagerly awaiting the arrival of SWAMI.
Some unlucky souls after sitting till about
9:15am begin leaving the ashram and looking at them most of us think that
today we may not have darshan, at
But at 9:30 am the ladies side devotees who had
started to leave rush to their places and soon the stage lights are switched
on and chanting of
OM>OM>>OM>>> begins and all devotees sit up in
their places, thanking swami for finally deciding to come for darshan bringing
relief to parched eyes looking at stage.........
The Vinayaka bhajan is over and SHAMBHO SHIV
SHAMBHO>>>> bhajan begins and soon Swami makes his most awaited darshan
entrance on stage at 9:40 am, walks till the railing and is seated in a few
minutes after blessing us all.
The bhajans continue and Swami is seen reading a
few letters and giving it to his attenders on stage. Today we can see Swamis
feet very clearly from where we are seated, and in between when we see him we
can see a different glow on his face and he is often smiling at all present
and blessing us all in between the bhajans till about 10 am when there is
silence and a students brings a rose and gets it back BLESSED by
OM Jai Jagdish Hare Swami Satya Sai Hare........
Aarti begins and Swami stands up ,meanwhile students bring huge boxes on stage
get it blessed by the Master and begin distribution of the divine prasadam
................ OM SHANTI>>SHANTI>>SHANTI>>> Aarti comes to an end and Swami
slowly walks back towards the curtain on stage after giving us a wonderful
Darshan on a day most of us thought we may not get Darshan but we got an
additional blessing in the form of a big, sweet, ripe SAI KeESAR MANGO
distribution of which is soon completed and the
lights on stage are switched off.
As i peel this sweet smelling mango divine
prasadam i hope you all too can join me in tasting this in your taste buds
isn't it ..................... in the meantime till we get another darshan at
Brindavan Whitefield ,lets hope we do because
maybe we hear rumours that SWAMI may leave for PARTHI soon but the final
plans are known only to SWAMI himself and not to any one
Exclusive Sai
Baba Screen Savers
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