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On 24th Dec. morning inside the Swamis room in our residence, Swamis pictures were full of yellow vibhooti. Mantra was written on the wall. After about 15 minutes there was vibhooti all over the room and pictures, shivalings etc. On the wall was written ’Sathya Sai’s home.’ Swami started writing the messages in the diary, like what he wants to have for meals, and other things. Though we could not see Swami's physical form in orange robe but thru His leela's ( Divine play) in front of everyone  present! Swami amazed us with His miracles and made all of us think & realize Gods omnipresence and omnipotence.


In the evening of 24th Dec., Bhajans were organized. Swami wrote in the diary after the bhajans that he was very happy and blessed all. those who attended the bhajans. Letters kept by devotees were answered. On the morning of 25th Dec. swami wrote ‘Happy Christmas ‘on the wall. Christmas cake was cut by Swami. Swami took the meals and washed his hands too .The water from glass got transferred to bowl indicating that he had finished his meals. On 26thDec. morning Swami gave vibhooti on the photographs in Drawing room and yellow vibhooti on the photos in the bedroom. Swami replied many letters of devotees and wrote of messages on the Diary. Swami wrote on 26 th night that I should not think swami has left rather he is  always in our house. He finally blessed all and manifested a crystal pendant with black thread and wrote in the diary that I should always keep it with me.


They were the most blissful three days of my life when swami indicated and stayed in our house for three days.

Submitted to SBOI by Sai devotee from New Delhi - India




Sai_Baba_vibhuti_miracle_June 2008 11th Aug. Photo slide show of Vibhuti Miracles:  Vibhuti, Lingam, honey & other manifestations - Miracles of Sri Sathya Sai Baba at a devotee's home  





Also Pictures from Singapore sai centre -

More Pictures -Vibhuti manifestation



>> Vibhuti manifestation on a picture in an office room of the Stadium in Prashanti Nilayam

>> Divine Vibhuti miracle at Sai Mandir, Monang Maning, Bali

Shirdi_Sai_Baba_ open_eye_miracle Shirdi Sai Baba Miracle - Sai Baba Idol Opens Eye   May 30, 2008: Shirdi Sai Miracle Photos: "..Udi started oozing from the different photos and Statue of Shirdi Sai Baba..." Photos from Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi.