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Swami called a boy and started talking to him. Swami started by inquiring, how are you? The boy got up from 3rd line & went close to Swami. By Swami’s actions one could make out that He was talking about bhajans i.e. how to sing where to raise the pitch etc. after the divine guidance the boy came back to his seat, Swami called for another boy and started instructing and guiding him too. After 15mins this boy ran out and called 5 more boys inside the mandir, all the boys ran inside and surrounded Swami & started talking to him. Apparently, Swami was guiding and schooling the boys’ techniques of singing Bhajans.
At 4:55 p.m. Bhagawan signaled the boys to sit & start singing. All of them took there proper place in front lines & started singing bhajans. Swami selected the bhajans and asked a particular boy to sing. Swami was really expressive showing them in actions, like smiling, raising his eyebrows and his hand movements & where to stop and where to raise the pitch etc. The bahajn session started with normal bhajans however, after couple of bhajans, Swami insisted that one particular boy student should do the singing of Meera bhajans like – “Pad gunguru band meera nache…”, “Mere to giridhar gopal dusara na koi…”, “Payoji rama ratan dhan payo…”. After the Meera Bhajans Swami asked for – “Allah ho tum eshwar bi tum...” a regular bhajan; after the bhajan, Bhagawan signaled for Aarti. Bhagawan’s Aarti was performed at 5:45p.m. Swami walked back to his car and drove back to his residence.
Most probably, Ugadi (Telugu New Year on 30th March) this year is going to be a grand function, there are also “rumors” that there might be Narayana Seva on large scale initiated by Swami. As we (SBOI) informed earlier to our website visitors and SBOI group members that Swami might move into His new residence on 30th March. But as Swami say’s Love my uncertainty – so we’ll wait and see what happens on the 30th March.
We kindly request all our readers to send in their personal experience with Swami i.e. miraculous and spiritual. You can send your mail to saibabaofindia@yahoo.com © Source: saibabaofindia group 17th march Latest
images of Sai Baba from the drama
bhakta kavi prajapati - Prasanthi Nilayam Related links:
Sai Darshan account 15th March - HOLI special:
Darshan news 14th March:
"Swami really surprised the devotees by coming bit earlier (2:45
p.m.) than His usual darshan time, Kulwant hall was half empty"....read more
Darshan news 13th March:
Swami blessed us all with His darshan, both, in the morning and
evening. today morning Swami came at around 7 .20 a.m. in the
evening Swami came
Source: saibabaofindia
Darshan news 11th March:
Evening : Swami came at 3:55 p.m....read more
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