Filling the Emptiness
Hislop, a highly educated business executive in America, who could
normally be expected to dismiss abruptly any talk about a living Avatar,
has developed an irretrievable faith in the Avatar. He says, "I am, as a
young son in the household of a wise father and a loving mother, in whom I
have unreserved trust. The almost incredible personal experiences of
Swami's devotees draw the portrait of an unique and beautiful human being,
with attributes extending beyond anything we have ever conceived as
belonging to man."
In order to awaken man from sloth and slumber. Baba often employs some
supernatural or suprahuman methods. Sri Bhagavandas from Unai writes. "I
have seen scented ash appearing on a photo of Baba in my neighbour's home.
We were thrilled by it, and are very eager to have Darsan of Baba." This
is one of the innumerable ways in which Baba introduces Himself, and
manifests His Presence, announcing the advent of His Divinity. In NEFA, a
far off region, where the sanctity of Vibhuti is not generally understood,
sweet thick nectar or honey, or at times butter, rice grains or precious
stones emerge from the holy photos forming a decorative pattern, or
Pranava symbol.
Such Grace is available even to those who have not seen, heard or met
Baba. Shri J. Gogoi from Shillong writes, "When flowers are offered at the
feet of the photo, Amrith appears! What a Sai Leela!" Shri P. Tshering
from Calcutta writes, "While my wife was busy cleaning all Photographs of
Baba for worship she suddenly saw Amrith coming out of the picture of
Baba, all over the body." Dipendra Dass of Bhubaneswar writes, "Since the
last few days, from the photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba some
watermarks seem to be appearing. In order to be more confident, I wiped
out all those watermarks. To my utmost surprise, two lines of streaming
water came down from the knees of the Lord."

Dr. J. Vighnesam of Berhampur writes, "I have not informed any one that
Vibhuti comes from the picture of Baba in my house, but, please tell me
what I have to do? How am I to worship the picture hereafter? What are the
rules of ceremonial purity to be observed? Food, drink, smoking etc.?"
From Delhi, a telegram arrives, "Honey dropping from Thy Lotus Picture at
residence. Pray continue Thy Grace to evoke devotion. H.P. Misra!" At
Sonapur Tea Estate where a Sathsang or Friendly Rally of the Sai devotees
was held, as soon as the party returned from Nagarasankeertan, when Arati
was done, Vibhuti and Amrith appeared on the picture of Baba. "We were all
thrilled when we realised that Baba was present amidst us," writes Dr.
Barua. "This day, two devotees of Lord Venkateshwara joined us in the
Bhajan. When Arati was performed, something fell from the picture of Baba.
If was found to be Sripadarenu, given to devotees at Thirupathi, after the
worship offered to Lord Venkateshwara there!" writes Sri Muralidharan, the
Station Director of All India Radio, Kohima.
Any sign of Grace, corresponding to individual temperament or to the
peculiar predicament, creating the desired impact, in awakening a seeker
or arousing others towards Sadhana, is useful. "Not very long ago, I was
almost dead," wrote Marie to her teacher Hilda Charlton at New York.
"Dead, both internally and externally, for I was deeply involved with
drugs, mostly heroin. When I managed to give this up, I developed
hepatitis, and was sick with this disease for quite a while. Then Marc
Schles sent me some of Baba's Holy Ash from India which helped to cure me.
I was sunk in despair, without a home, and seemingly without a future.
But, thanks to Sai Baba, I am really happy now, for I am living at home
with my mother and making plans to return to college. Three of my dear
friends who were involved with drugs have stopped them too. I shudder to
think how close to death I was, through overdoses of
drugs; I would like
to express my gratitude to Baba."
Pedagottapalem Janakiramaiah had heard of Baba, but was not drawn to Him,
as he thought of Him as merely another addition to those large bands of
Sadhus with which this country abounds. His God was the idol installed in
a temple 5 miles from his village. This was a Sivalinga that had been
worshipped for centuries by his forefathers. Sivarathri was drawing nearer
and the temple celebration was to be held on 15th February. But while he
was busy with the preparations, diphtheria affected him. He had high fever
and great pain. There were no facilities for hospitalisation; he could
neither swallow food nor drink. Some kitchen remedies were tried, a few
quacks tried their hand, but all was of no avail. On the night of the
13th, he remembered a plaster of Paris bust of Sathya Sai Baba that a
relative had brought to the house. He had been told of His miraculous
powers. Why not pray to Him? Keeping the little Bust by his bed, he gazed
at it for long, and gradually fell asleep. In a dream, Baba asked him to
drink some water, but Janakiramaiah protested that he could not.
Baba however insisted: his wife appeared with a jug full of water, which
he drank down to the last drop. With the last gulp, he awoke; it was 11
p.m. The fever had gone and so had the diphtheria! By the 15th he was able
to carry out all his chores at the temple! With a heart full of gratitude
he wrote to me requesting directions for the journey to the Nilayam. "He
is Siva; I must fall at His Feet," he wrote.

"It was my third bout of pneumothorax" says Eruch K. Wadia of Madras. "I
was advised to consult the doctors of the Victoria Hospital, Bangalore,
since I had exhausted all other lines of treatment. But before
implementing that advice, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam for Baba's Darsan. I
prayed to Him from a distance, and then had to come away, to consult the
doctors. After the consultation was over the doctor said, "Whoever told
you, you had pneumothorax?" I was sent for a further check-up to the SDS
Sanatorium, there I was told, "Your right lung, the affected one, as you
say, is better and stronger than the left. Nothing need be done." Says
Wadia, "His Blessings cured me completely; Darsan is enough."
Holtender Nicholas had a different type of experience. "Even before I ever
saw Baba personally, I had a deep affection for Him; I was working on His
portraits; by the time they were completed, I knew I simply had to go to
India and see Him. I came to India, reached Puttaparthi three days before
the Dasara Festival. The Festival itself was full of experience, but I
will not dilate on them. Right after the festival I had a cold which grew
steadily worse, together with such a high fever that I could not even
think straight! The doctor from the hospital, while giving me medicine,
exclaimed, "Sai Ram! Only You can make him healthy!" I heard these words
and prayed, "Baba, give me the chance to do my duty in Europe, I should
not die here, for I can now see clearly that there is work to do."
"Suddenly, I saw Baba's eyes - and then the hair around His head; these
kept coming and going, something akin to the lights I often see in
meditation. At the same time I heard the AUM vibrating all around me. In
the morning I was much better, and one of the Westerners, a stranger, came
into my room and said, "Baba was talking of you. He asked me, "Do you know
Nick? (Nick! So He knew my name) the old man who sways during the Bhajans?
Tell him that he had a serious heart-attack last night, but he is now
quite safe, for I was with him all night!" My eyes were opened. I
understood the vision. All doubts were resolved. Now I know that Baba will
come to us, if we really need Him."
Baba makes His presence felt in a thousand different ways to those in
distress. When Dr. Ramakrishnan of the Institute of Science, Bangalore,
was at Prasanthi Nilayam, he was summoned by a phone call from Hyderabad
at 9-30 p.m. and told that his mother had been removed to hospital in a
precarious condition due to cerebral thrombosis.
He managed to communicate this to Baba, even though He had retired for the
night. Baba sent the messenger back, "I was at the hospital; she is all
right now; let him have a good night's rest."