18th June Devotees
sitting inside the Sai Kulwant hall were full of expectations today since
the announcement from
yesterday 17th June
meant that an extended and wonderful darshan was almost certain. The
darshan lines were bit longer and came in bit earlier than usual. Swami
came in looking fresh and radiant this sunny morning giving a beautiful
darshan and blessing the present devotees with Abhya hastha. The program
today was simple but very significant since education is one of the main
pillars in Sai teachings to bring about the needed transformation in the
society. The chosen and fortunate educators of of Sri Sathya Sai Institute
of Higher Learning were given the `Swarna Kankanam’ bracelets for their
outstanding service in the educational field. These Gurus (teachers) have
served the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning for over a decade.
After the ceremonial receiving of this prestigious honour all the devotees
were blessed with a divine discourse. (Discourse highlights will be
published later). The bhajan followed after the divine discourse. Today’s
program came to close after the Prasadam distribution.
Read more Detailed :
Darshan and event Report from 18th JUNE, 2006
Source: SBOI - Submitted to SBOI by