Dear all,
Happy Baba's day

Apologies for not being regular as I am tied up with some other work
which leaves me with little time.But with Baba's grace soon I shall
be more regular in coming days. I would like to say 'Thanks 'to all
the devotees and readers who kept mailing,inquiring and showed
concern about my welfare as well as wanted to know reason for not
posting much in the website. Thanks for all your love and care.
Today I am uploading another Sai leela witnessed by sai devotee who
wish to remain annonymous. Baba's leela are felt by those who open
their heart to His love,see with eye of devotion and surrender their
action as will of the divine.These are reflected below in the two
experiences shared with us by the Sai devotee.
Jai Sai Ram .
Glory to God Saibaba !
Dear Sai devotee Manisha,
With his Will, in sharing another leela of this merciful God Saibaba,
I believe it will increase faith and patience amongst many devotees
who long for His grace, guidance and rescue, for we all bound by
past karmic effects. Despite our different sufferings, we need to
keep steady faith, devotion, love and affection for our Sai.

Do not blame him and gods for our troubles. Instead realize on our
past karmic mis-deeds and correct it wherever possible without any
second thought. We cannot repay our debts suitably even in our so
many janmas to Saibaba for his guidance and affection. The best way
to repay our Guru Dakshina to Saibaba is to cultivate good virtues,
practice his teachings carefully in our lives, doing charity and
spread his glory.
The ways he is choosing for every devotee is unthinkable and
unarguable, but is sure to reduce severity and obstacles. What is
most needed on our part is constant remembrance which is in a way of
meditating on Him while doing our daily routine.
Daily you wish him, talk to him, include Him in all your dealings,
He is a family member of his every devotee, put your grievances and
pray for the welfare of your family, He is very much listening to
your talks and will respond accordingly at the time when He thinks
appropriate. Sister Manisha, please post the image i have attached
Over to His leela, I was suffering from irregular menstrual cycle
for quite a number of months. Due to this, i could not concentrate
on my activities. I prayed to baba to help in this. My gynaecologist
diagnosed with ovarian cysts by Scan. This was the reason in harmone
imbalance that is causing irregularities. She advised some
medication for 2 cycles to regulate this problem. I could not
withstand the side effect of the tablet, first dose itself, she
prescribed. I discontinued the medicines which resulted in further
I went to another gynaecologist for a second opinion. I told her
about discontinuing the medication. She ruled out Cancer with a
blood test (thanks to baba). That doctor observed the Scan &
suggested if the ovarian cysts gives unbearable pain, they need to
be removed surgically. If there is no pain, then the above similar
medication of 2 cycles is the only solution to regulate the problem.
Thankfully i have not much pain. But i have to be on those medicines
which is with side effects.
I came back very dejected. Not knowing how to get out of this. At
this time, i prayed to Shri Sai and searching for an answer, opened
the Holy Sat Charitha book. I was surprised to see the para appeared
in that page was "How the Cholera Ordinances, broken by Saibaba
despite the rule by Panch is in force in Shirdi Village". I felt,
baba encouraged me telling dont worry about the discontinuance of
tablets & everything will be alright by His help.
My Senior in my office is also an ardent sai devotee. In a casual
conversation, he narrated, how his wife used to do, Shri Sai 9
Thursdays Vrat and she had done this 3 times, so easily at the flash
of her thought for her various problems. I had the eargerness to
knowa and read the same in detail in this Manisha ji's website. Also
read some of the experiences posted here by various devotees related
to Vrat. This inspired. But I had a very little desire to observe
that Vrat & not determined. Then I spoke to my senior's wife about
this problem. She encouraged me to do Sai Vrat & said that Baba
wants to help me in that way & He sees to that i can also observe it
easily without any hesitation. I prayed to Saibaba to guide & help
The desire became strong & i felt confident by the grace of Sai. The
immediate thursday, i started the Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat. First 3
thursdays it was terribly easy as if Saibaba himself arranged & did
everything for me. Those 3 thursdays, after finishing the pooja, few
seconds i felt someone is sprinkling holy water on me but i am not
wet. From 4th Thursday i did Vrat Pooja with little bit of anxiety
that i should finish the Vrat as a whole and complete. That anxiety
i could feel as if baba pulled out his hand & left me to do with my
whole effort. But he left me with positive attitude & enthusiasm,
that i was doing those remaining weeks pooja with much determination
& interest.
During the 4th week, when i went to Sai Temple, one of the flower
vendors told me baba is continuously pestering in her dream to tell
me to eat two Neem leaves attached in one stem from the neem tree in
the temple (leaves not to be separated) for three days continuously
in the morning in empty stomach. I was surprised and asked if i
could not eat the raw neem leaf for it is bitter, she suggested to
immerse in water & drink it.
But above all baba casually made me to heat water for few minutes
with 2 neem leaves immersed so that the effect of neem leaves & the
bitter taste got mixed sufficiently with water to cure the disease.
Second day with fresh 2 attached neem leaves, i gave more heat to
water than the 1st day so that the bitter effect is more to cure the
problem. This way i drank that bitter water in empty stomach for
three days with or without faith (hoping for relief).
Some asked why the gods/saints make us do these, when we are already
suffering. It is simple, we will not be knowing the value of God, if
we get everything without effort. If life becomes easy for humans,
he/she will tend to do more mistakes & sins and there will be no
repentance at all. To control our speeding ignorant lives, the
speed-breakers/prayers by our efforts are must to counter
By his grace, I could do the pooja, reading vrat stories, related
slokas as stated in the book but not the fasting part. I do not have
the capacity to fast with one-time meal. After pooja & visiting the
temple, I took normal meals in the morning, mild snacks in the
afternoon and mini tiffin in the night. I asked a big pardon to baba
as this is only possible to me & he know my condition. But i felt
Baba is very kind & affectionate.
Lastly, He tested me little bit during the 9th week. The 9th week
wednesday evening, I placed an order of food parcels, sweets & water
packets in a hotel nearby Sai temple to distribute after completing
the Vrat on Thursday. After placing the order & paying the money, i
came back home & night i was having mild fever. I was afraid if i
could ever finish this 9th Thursday Vrat and uncertain about my
situation. I left to my Sai & said, if you want me to finish this
week, then please help, if it is otherwise, then also please guide &
make me complete the Vrat Pooja on the Thursday, He desire.
Thankfully I felt normal the next day & completed the 9th Thursday
Vrat Pooja as planned by Saibaba. After distirbuting the Vrat books
& doing Anna dhan, i came home with a satisfaction thinking it as a
big achievement and thanked baba heartily. I felt the grace of baba.
I was surprised at my next menstrual cycle being normal. It also
became regular afterwards. Amazing are the divine powers of Shirdi
Sai. True Saints/Sadgurus are the only Souls on earth, who are
working hard for the welfare of the people even after their
As this problem was solved miraculously and did not give any kind of
trouble thereafter, i did not go even for a check-up, to know
everything was alright as i left to baba that He will guide me
through, if i need a further check-up. Till date i forgot those
troubles & getting on with Baba's help & guidance. I am ever
grateful to baba for giving me guidance in need of the hour.
The duration from the problem starts upto we get our guru's grace
(here saibaba's grace) in solving the complications, is the duration
we have to suffer our past karmic deeds and it is where patience to
be observed as advised by baba. It is easy to advise ''patience'' in
words and not so in practical situation. To our prayers, baba will
definitely show the way out of sufferings.
To what extent we put our faith & prayers in the ways possible for
us, will reduce the severity & remove the complexity of the malady.
At this point, it is to be said, if a person could not think of a
big pooja due to his/her health, finance & any odd situation, Simple
pooja like lighting couple of incense sticks, sugar cubes for
naivedya and little flowers as offering daily with doing a bit of
charity to his/her capacity is enough. For people who cannot think
of, even these simple measures, sincere remembrance on saibaba daily
with prayer or naam chanting alone will do wonders for them. Baba
knows us better than ourselves.
Gods are kind enough to send their incarnations, time & again by way
of many known & unknown saints & sadgurus to redeem this world from
the clutches of sins & adharma. Sadgurus reform humans in the ways
unimaginable & preach them the importance of life to be lived with
spiritual awareness for the goal of liberation or self-realization.
They make people realize the existence of the Almighty, the
para-brahma pervading through the space everywhere like we, the
devotees feel Shri Saibaba everywhere. It is upto ourselves, how we
are sincere & determined, practice His teachings in our lives to
earn the Care of our Dear Mother Sai.
Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to all.
Read more Sai Experiences