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: Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary, sssbpt.org - Sri Sathya Sai Media
Foundation - h2hsai.org - Design layout: saibabaofindia.com & SBOI
The Month that was......Apr 19 - May 19, 2010
Puttaparthi, God’s chosen village, had the history of standing the
test to taste the oddities right from her days of reckoning. Western
author Arnold Schulman’s perception of Puttaparthi, who described it
after visiting the hamlet in late sixties as "ten minutes past the
Stone Age" stands a testimony to her oddities in the initial years
and her gradual evolution, progressing further to become the
spiritual capital to a world that seemed to be going wayward. For
those who are committed to Him, every morning wakes up afresh,
wearing a new hope, awaiting to see Him making fresh strides in His
Avataric Journey! …And as He keeps moving along, one who watches Him
intently with focused attention understands the vital cog of His
Mission that, every subtle move that Sathya Sai makes is not without
any significance.
At a time when the world is running in pursuit of material
happiness, often tearing up the moral fabric and cultural ethics,
Puttaparthi constantly speaks about the art of living adhered to
high moral and spiritual values. Puttaparthi has had umpteen number
of such Divine Discourses and adding to this list of “speaks” came
yet another one, an exclusive one talking on the celebrated Indian
women, and the Power of Chastity.
Exactly one month since His return from North India, on 18th May
2010, in an ‘impromptu’ Divine Discourse that lasted for fifty-five
minutes, Bhagawan spoke about this often heard topic yet again,
giving out anecdotes from the lives of great Indian Women of
Character, namely, Mother Sita, Savitri, Chandramathi, Damayanthi
and Panchali.
The one month since His return has been the time of summer travails
as the warmest of the four temperate seasons came with full
intensity, as it has shown up in other part of the nation without
much discrimination. When this chosen land had this intense summer
to bear with, The Lord of the land has been magnanimous to stay back
in Parthi, alleviating the onslaught effect with His cooling
presence. For the devotees, it would cause bit of inconvenience, but
they got to accept it the natural way, accepting nature’s gift
wholeheartedly enjoying every bit of His presence in Prasanthi
Nilayam. To help reducing the intensity of summer, 10-15 colourful
mini summer tents have been pitched, especially in the ladies side.
The twin new years that had missed His presence owing to Bhagawan’s
North India visit, made up for the loss by celebrating belated new
year in His Divine presence. Upon His return, the first programme
during the one month period was the belated Tamil New Year
celebration followed by Vishu, the Kerala New Year. Both the
festivities were celebrated with limited “pomp’, but definitely with
great great devotional fervour.
Marking the occasion, Tamil Nadu came up with a musical delight, as
a group of “child artistes” from Chrompet Samithi of SSSSO
performing carnatic vocals with great dexterity and devotion.
Pleased with their dedication and devotion, Bhagawan, who sat
onstage through the fifty minute programme, blessed the wards
profusely calling them twice onto the stage, once in between the
programme and later at the end of the session.
Vishu, the Kerala New Year is signified popularly with the
auspicious sight, and for the mini group of over 750 from the “God’s
Own Country”,Kerala, it was His Divine Darshan that was the most
auspicious sight that they relished on the auspicious day. Marking
the occasion, a drama on the life of Sant Surdas, whose life was a
melody of Divine Love for Lord Krishna, was presented by Balvikas
children on the 25th May evening. Blessing the children profusely,
Bhagawan went down the aisle to pose for a photo session. Airing His
“satisfaction”, post the photo session before leaving the dais,
Bhagawan had a few commendations on the dedicational and devotional
display by the children from the state. As Bhagawan whispered the
same into the ear of the State President in Tamil, the state
president in turn conveyed the same to the little ones in their
vernacular, Malayalam.
Easwaramma Day, the big day, commemorating Pristine Motherhood of
Mother Easwaramma was celebrated in style with due “pomp” as the
occasion deserves. This festivity used to be a celebration either in
Brindavan or in Kodaikanal in His immediate Divine Presence until a
year before last, in 2008, when Bhagawan decided to stay back in
Parthi to celebrate the event in His birthplace after a gap of many
years. Again, after a gap of one year when the festivity returned to
Prasanthi, it was merriment and joy everywhere as the reveredMother
was remembered with great devotional fervour.
The main focus of attention during the celebration, the Divine
Parents’ Samadhi Mandir outside the gates of Prasanthi Nilayam had
the good fortune of having Bhagawan’s pristine presence three times
during the celebrating week. Following His visit to the Samadhi on
the 3rd May to oversee the preparations, Bhagawan yet again visited
the Mandir a day before the celebration, on 5th May, to unveil and
install the newly carved statues of the chosen parents, Pedda
Venkama Raju and Mother Easwaramma. Inside the Samadhi Mandir,
Bhagawan went round the raised platform bearing the tombs of "Divine
Parents", while other rituals went on simultaneously. One more round
of visit on the marked day, 6th May, made it a “hattrick”, three in
a row. On the final day, Bhagawan spent sometime in the Mandir,
officiating rituals and offerings to “Divine Parents” paying
obeisance, making it explicit to the world, the importance of “Matru
Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava”. Marking the occasion, the illustrious
story of Bhadrachala Ramdas was presented through a dance drama by
the Balvikas children from Bangalore.
The auspicious day also found the birth of a new service project,
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini, an initiative by Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Organisations, India. Sri Sathya Sai e-Educare Program that was
dedicated at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet during the Alumni Meet - 2010 was
blessed by Bhagawan christening the project, “Sri Sathya Sai Vidya
Vahini” on April 27th 2010. The programme is aimed at helping the
8th, 9th & 10th standards with e-Curriculum via Animations, Videos,
Pictures & other teaching aids to make village school education
simplistic, easy, interesting, motivating with addition of Vedic
learning, EHV & Balvikas e-modules etc. To begin with, Sri Sathya
Sai Vidya Vahini program with His Divine grace and blessings stands
committed to provide Sri Sathya Sai Integrated value based education
system to the rural schools & semi-urban schools.
Bhagawan most graciously blessed the programme on Easwaramma Day,
6th May 2010, in an exclusive session held in the bhajan hall to the
delight of around 75 participants. This value based content covering
All India Board & State boards across India will be generated by Sri
Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar Schools. Six schools have been identified &
included into Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Programme to generate
Education in Human Values chapters embedded into the existing school
curriculum. These schools are: Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary
School, Prasanthi Nilayam, Sri Sathya Sai School, Muddenahalli, Sri
Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Alike, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar,
Vishakhapatnam, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Indore and Sri Sathya
Sai Vidya Vihar, New Delhi.
Close on the heels of the Easwaramma Day celebrations, continuing
with the spirit of celebrations, on the evening of 9th May, Bhagawan
had blessed two speakers to share their “world of Sai”. The first
one was a Shradhdhanjali on Mother Easwaramma by senior devotee from
the United Kingdom, Ajit Poppat followed by an inspiring rhetoric
dwelling on some of the hallmarks of His Divinity, by Sri BN
Narasimhamurthy, Warden, Brindavan Campus.
In an exposition that was verily dedicated to Mother Easwaramma, the
first speaker dwelled upon the three sterling qualities of the
Mother, the three Os, according to him, “Open, Organised and
Dwelling on the greatness of the Mother of Easwara, Easwaramma, the
speaker opined that Bhagawan is the real Easwaramma, as He is verily
our Mother Divine! Our dedication to Bhagawan reaches out to
Easwaramma and any offering to Mother Easwaramma reaches out to
Bhagawan in turn, said the speaker calling Mother Easwaramma as the
embodiment of Nishkama Prema (Love without expectation), Nishkama
Bhakti (Devotion without expecting anything in return) and Nishkama
Karma (Action without any expectation). Talking on the three
sterling qualities of Amma, Open, Organised and Obedient to the
Divine Will, the speaker had narrated a beautiful experience he had
at Sai Shruti in Kodaikanal.
It was on an Easwaramma Day morning at Sai Shruti, Kodaikanal, after
the suprabhatam, the speaker had gone off the convent road for a
morning walk. While gliding past the road, he found a beautiful
temple dedicated to Mother Divine atop the hill. As he started
moving towards the temple, he felt strong pristine presence of the
Mother all along as if she was walking with him. Returning at Sai
Shruti, when this “incident” was narrated to Bhagawan, Bhagawan
could not control His ‘joy’ and His eyes went moist, said the
speaker quoting Bhagawan that, He too had felt Mother’s presence on
the morning. Bhagawan added with an emotional touch that Mother is
always with us.
Referring to the Narayana Seva organized on the auspicious morning,
Bhagawan revealed to him that the same was organized for Mother’s
sake as such acts of helping the needy would bring great joy unto
the Mother. Bhagawan dwelt upon “His Mother” for almost thirty
minutes, mentioning among many other things as to how the Mother was
concerned about Bhagawan when He set out on His trip to South Africa
way back in the late sixties.
Yet another incident that had happened at Sai Kutir in London,
wherein the speaker had a Swapna Darshan in the early hours, was
narrated with His Divine permission to the delight of August
assembly. The speaker was sitting with Swami and Bhagawan was busy
giving ‘puppet’ some instructions while holding his hand all along.
Mother who out of the blue emerged from the kitchen asked pointing
at the speaker as to who he is. “Amma, he is London Puppet” answered
Bhagawan. Amma asked further as to who is London Puppet?...the
answer was, “Amma, He is our family member”. Narrating this incident
the speaker highlighted that it was an answer not alone for him, but
for the entire fraternity as each and every devotee is a member of
Sai Family.
Dwelling upon Mother’s sterling qualities, the speaker said, Mother
was always open, that, anybody and everybody could ever approach
her, bow down to her and narrate any problems, even to the extent of
recommending to Bhagawan; She was ever open to the flow of Divine
energy; She was ever living in the aura of Bhagawan.
Celebration of Mother Easwaramma is exemplary for the world to
understand that how mother should be revered, said the speaker
talking about the installation of Divine Parents’ statues on the
occasion of Easwaramma Day.
Talking about the third quality, Obedience, the speaker, describing
Mother Easwaramma as the embodiment of all scriptures, narrated
another incident that happened inside the interview room. Quoting a
Gita verse, referring to Bhagawan Sri Krishna, the speaker had
raised a question to Bhagawan during one of the interviews. “Baba,
in Srimad Bhagavad Gita, as Sai Krishna You said, “Tasmad
sastra-pramanam te karyakarya-vyavasthitau…”the word shastra or
scripture, which scripture are You referring to?” In reply, Bhagawan
posed a question to the speaker as to, “what is the first sloka of
Bhagavad Gita?” and in reply “puppet” replied, “Dharmakshetre
Kurukshetre….” ”…what is the last sloka of Bhagavad Gita?” asked
Bhagawan and “puppet” replied, Yathra Yogeshwara Krishno Yathra
Partho Dhanurdharah Tathra Srirvijayo Bhutir Dhruva Neetirmathir
Mama…” Pat came His reaction: take the first word Dharma and then
the last word, Mama…Mama Dharma is the essence of all the
scriptures…. Narrating this beautiful incident happened inside the
interview room, the speaker declared: there cannot be a better
example of Mama Dharma than Mother Easwaramma, as she was the
embodiment of all the scriptures and was instrumental in laying the
foundation of Sai Mission with her Three Little Desires…
Mr. Narasimhamurthy’s speech began with a description of his maiden
darshan five decades ago. Giving a detailed picture of the Mandir
and surrounding of those days, he narrated an incident wherein he
got convinced beyond doubt of the greater importance of His Divine
Darshan. Narrating his first experience wherein Bhagawan mentioned
about his ‘indigestion’ in mind, followed by a blanket promise to
take care of him in his journey ahead, the speaker declared that
whoever enters the precincts of Prasanthi Nilayam, his or her life
is safe, only if he or she believes it.
Narrating Bhagawan’s visit to Muddenahalli in the year 1978 wherein
He marvelled at the beautiful painting work done over there, of
course at His own instance, Sri Narasimhamurthy narrated a beautiful
conversation happened there wherein Bhagawan asked the speaker,
pointing at him, as to who painted this doll, referring to his body.
Perplexed he was, he remained silent and there came the revelation
from Bhagawan…I have painted all the (human) dolls!!!
Yet another interesting incident that happened in 1979 that he had
collected for the ensuing volume of Sathyam Sivam Sundaram followed.
Mr. TVK Shastry, the Founder Convener of Bharat Cultural Integration
Committee, BCIC, a forum striving for national integration, had a
strange visitor in Pakala Suryanarayana, a famous astrologer from
Andhra Pradesh, at his house in September 1979 who prophesied that
on 28th October, 1979, mid-noon at 12, Mr. Shastry would be having
the darshan and interaction of Vishwa Purusha, Kaliyuga Avatar
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba! Shastry, though could not believe it
to the fullest extent, happened to arrive at Brindavan with a member
from Venkatagiri royal family a day before the ‘appointed day’. The
same evening he had the first darshan of Bhagawan at Brindavan.
Returning the next morning, a Sunday, anticipating Darshan, they had
the morning darshan at 8 after which Bhagawan had retired. Though
his friend dissuaded him asking to go back to Bangalore to return
for evening Arathi Darshan, growing in confidence believing in the
prophetic words of the astrologer of eminence, both of them decided
to stay back, waiting for the ‘appointed hour’, though apparently
they found no reason for Bhagawan to come out at the odd hour. As
mid-noon approached, they became tensed and….. Lo and Behold!
Exactly at 11:55 am, the gates were thrown open and there emerged
the beauteous form, Bhagawan. Coming straight to Shastry, at 12 noon
Bhagawan spoke to him, asking “Bobbily Shastry, how are you?”
Lifting up His robe, Bhagawan granted Him Padanamaskar and yet
another miracle!…He had the Darshan of Lord Venkateswara of
Tirupathi. Later Bhagawan had spoken to him of the need of the hour
for national integration urging him to dedicate his life for the
same. Subsequently, BCIC was formed and the maiden programme was
held in Delhi in 1982, Sita Rama Sangeetotsavam, that was attended
by Bhagawan where Bhagawan materialized a Mangalasutra to tie it on
Mother Sita idol. The 1995 version of the festivity was organized in
the Poornachandra Auditorium, in Prasanthi Nilayam in the immediate
Divine Presence of Bhagawan.
Ending his inspiring speech the speaker identified three hallmarks
of Bhagawan, that each of His actions and words are prompted by
compassion and selfless love, complete involvement with total
detachment followed by perfection in everything without desire for
Be it with an intention to draw His attention or with an intention
to engage Him - The Divine, during even in a sultry summer season,
students from Sri Sathya Sai University relentlessly pursue to bring
a cheer on His beauteous face, often picking up tales from the rich
cultural heritage of Bharat. At a time recreation and relaxation
gets preference for the student community all over India, having
summer holidays, a group of students have been camping in Prasanthi
throughout the summer, relishing His proximity while pursuing to
continue at the hallowed portals of Sri Sathya Sai University with
higher education. ...And bringing in a change from the regular
summer schedule some of these students pitched in to perform a
wonderful thematic Dance Presentation, entitled “Sai Bhakta
Samrajyam”, a collective effort of singers, dancers and actors. The
programme held on the 17th evening was a depiction of Bharat's
glorious devotional tradition, showing incidents from the lives of
past masters presented in a dance form with lucid narration that
came in the form of evergreen, omnipresent sage of yore, Narada.
Earlier on 15th June, Bhagawan blessed research scholars from the
University who assembled in the bhajan hall anticipating Divine
Blessings. Moving amidst, interacting with many, Bhagawan spent time
guiding many in personal, family and career related issues.
Entrance examination process for the University and Higher Secondary
School that began in the first week of May have been completed with
the announcement of the final results pertaining to professional
courses, pending primary admissions. In the meantime, results for
the 12th standard CBSE exams were announced and Sri Sathya Sai
Higher Secondary School, Prasanthi Nilayam scored another cent
percent results with 110 out of 112 appeared securing distinction,
toppers being two students, a boy and a girl from the boys and girls
wing respectively with an aggregate of 96.4 percentage closely
followed by 96.2 percentage at the second spot.
Easwaramma High School set up in memory of revered Mother Easwaramma
is earning a feather in its cap when it goes with English Medium
Primary admissions during this academic year. The admissions will be
supervised and classes will be conducted under guidance of Sri
Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, Prasanthi Nilayam.
Bringing laurels to Prasanthi Nilayam, two of the doctors, Dr. Amit
Chhabra and Dr. Veeresh, from the twin Super Speciality hospital at
Prasanthigram and Whitefield were declared recipients of gold medals
by the National Board of Examinations. Dr. Amit Chhabra was a
Diplomate of National Board (DNB) resident in the dept. of
Ophthalmology while Dr. Veeresh was a DNB resident in the dept. of
CTVS at the white filed hospital. Bhagawan blessed both the gold
medalists outside His Divine Abode on evening of 16th May, before
emerging for Darshan.
Construction work of dormitories at the rear western end of
Prasanthi that has been in progress for past several months is
steadily progressing with the skeleton structure rising to the third
floor level. Huge spread of area at the rear end of Prasanthi,
beyond the Shopping Centre and Book Trust, has already been
converted into a workshop where hundreds of skilled labourers are
engaged in various tasks. One could see huge trucks carrying
gigantic concrete moulds to the destination blocks for installing on
Painting the exterior of ashram complexes and various allied
institutions under Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust is in progress in
view of the ensuing 85th birthday celebrations. Completing the work
at Bhagawan’s Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram, the work is now spread
to various residential blocks inside ashram, while, simultaneously,
work is happening in various educational establishments as well.
Rose Beneficiaries, grateful servants serving in various
institutions, have been offering their gratitude to Bhagawan for the
past several months for the wonderful opportunity they have been
bestowed upon by His Divine grace. The past month has witnessed
Bhagawan materializing gold chains for two of such beneficiaries,
first time ever, since the ‘scheme’ was launched some months ago.
With Bhagawan adorning the centre stage engaging the divine assembly
with His immaculate Divine presence, these days, darshan sessions
are converted into rare spiritual feast for those souls whose thirst
for His presence brought them to the precincts of Prasanthi. While
watching Him, one should not miss the subtlety of His varied moves.
Our perceptions may not understand these actions to the fullest
extent, be it an off-the-cuff Divine Discourse suffused with lots of
“emotions”, or be it an encore of the Universal Mantra, Samastha
Lokaaha… or an act of lifting His Blessing Divine Palm in the abhaya
posture or an act of insisting for Veda chanting or an act of
Himself repeating the Vedam, what we should understand is that He
does it…He does what He has come to execute…in His own inimitable
style that is verily Divine!
Text & photo source : Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary, sssbpt.org -
Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - h2hsai.org -
Design layout: saibabaofindia.com & SBOI group.